Area calculation in the habitat window

Hi everyone,

after the recent update the game has changed the way (or better said the unit) how the area of the habitat is displayed. The unit previously used was m². This has now changed to km² for areas bigger than 1000 m².
My Bengal Tiger enclosure was listed at 2160 m² before the update. Now, after the update it is listed at 2.2 km².
This however, is wrong. Since one km² equals 1000 m × 1000 m = 1000000 m², the area of the habitat should be given as 0.0022 km². Considering, that the correct calculation would turn out a rather "ugly" format, I think it would be best to return to the old ways.


  • HabitatKönigstiger.jpg
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Somebody pointed out that it might not be km as in kilometer, but that there is a space missing and the k is the abbreviation of thousand. So that would make it 2.2k m², which - after rounding up - corresponds to the previous size. They just need to check their code and add a space.
So that would make it 2.2k m², which - after rounding up - corresponds to the previous size. They just need to check their code and add a space.
They should just check their code and replace it with the old one or maybe for read-ability a "," or "." ( depending on the language).
7,200 m² or even 32,000 m² are better solutions, than inventing a new unity the "k"-square meter

Agree it should go back to the way it was, especially since 1k m² doesn't give you a precise number and it can be anything from 1000m² - 1099m² which in turn leads to confusion when it says 1k m²/1k m² for space but it's actually too small.

So yeah, personally I much prefer the precise numbers it showed before the update and hope they change it back to that.
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