Discord Invite

Join us in the ARNOR server - an information hub of sorts bringing together regular updates on various games with a particular emphasis on Elite Dangerous.

For general Elite Dangerous users, our facilities include:

Updates for Galnet, Sagittarius Eye, an Elite Dangerous news feed, EDSM and Minerva bot capability and an extensive ED guide channel are all available on the server

For members of the server:

Information and updates for other games through modular categories including the Division 2, Warframe, Sea of Thieves, etc... - you choose what updates and information you want to see in the server.

Music and radio capability


Part of the Arnor server also serves as the home of the ultra casual squadron, the Corvus Intelligence Group (CVIG)

CVIG is an Empire-affiliated corporation based in the vicinity of Muang in the HR 943 system and is directly involved with enhancing the presence and business interests of factions aligned with the Empire.

For the purpose of flying in wings, most of our members hail from the European time zone with significant overlap.
We adopt a very relaxed attitude to our game play and use both open and private game play modes.
We are aligned with the Empire but we don't concern ourselves with "powerplay".

Pop by and have a look around!
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