As a Pirate, It Grieves Me to Destroy Another Commander

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But if he'd done, what I told him to do, he'd be millions of credits richer. Reservoir Dogs makes the case very clearly:


and the video:

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Piracy is a viable game mode and career. Some do play fair and have restraint, where others feign being a pirate to cover straight out murder of defenceless, or under-equipped players.

Not giving in to intimidation is also a viable option. You don't have to give them squat, but you do need to fly with your rebuy covered. Elite promises interactions with other players (in Open). They never promised those interactions would be good all the time.
I never shoot to kill, just disable.

The more resistance, the harder it is to disable though...

Makes me wish the shield only lasers also damaged modules, but not hull, or there was a mod for missiles to do zero hull damage.
But if he'd done, what I told him to do, he'd be millions of credits richer. Reservoir Dogs makes the case very clearly:


and the video:

If it grieved you that much you would have let them go and searched for another victim who would enjoy playing your game for you. It is blatant hypocrisy to say you were grieved by your own actions when it was you causing the grief to someone just trying to escape.
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If it grieved you that much you would have let them go and searched for another victim who would enjoy playing your game for you. It is blatant hypocrisy to say you were grieved by your own actions when it was you causing the grief to someone just trying to escape.

Nope, got to disagree. I gave fair warning and let him know exactly what would happen if he failed to comply.
You can disagree as much as you like but it definitely was blatant hypocrisy for you to say you feel grief when you cause it to another. Look it up, the web will educate you to the meaning. But thank you for possibly sending another player into group play.
Flying in open, at a trade cg, refusing to comply and attempting to escape with silent running of all things?

Epic fail.

Well the OP seems like a fairly decent pilot, however the mockery at the end makes him lose most respect :/. Im guessing from his previous post this may have happend in MOBIUS server also, if so; the guy probably didnt expect to be PVP'd. Piracy is fine, need more of it (just not against rules).

But why is it fail to trade in Open, we need more people with the stones to play in Open even when there is risk we should not dissuade it....

wow, what epic kill on a trade ASPx. You are doing right, to be proud and post a video of it.
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If you are worried one doesn't have to do a total kill. Let them limp away to play another day. If it is all about credits then waste them or do NPC bounty hunting. NPCs probably pay better.
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You need missiles to take out drives, or Yrom's missile to stop FSD reboot, along with hatch breakers. I take cargo by force if they don't comply without actually killing them.
I have nothing positive to say about your actions or this thread so all I will say is that I believe it grieved you about as much as I believe in the tooth fairy....

that and are you sure you could handle that defenseless Asp with lowered shields (silent running or not)......truly he must have been an epic adversary :rolleyes:
Are there regular "pirate hunters" who search out/clear "wanted" pirate CMDRs at CGs? Seems likely perhaps a protection group similar to "Fuel Rats" would be of value?
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