Ascent - The Space Game

If you are looking for a new space MMO experience I recommend checking out Ascent-TSG

I've been playing for a while now and having a lot of fun. The recent updates have added colony building/domes etc, there's more on the way too. The game dev (Jam) is great guy and the community are very friendly, the game forum is here:

Sinstrite has produced an excellent 5 part ATSG introduction on YouTube

Look forward to possibly seeing some new players!..

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You guys really should check this game out.

Featurewise it is much more complete than ED right now.
You can clolonize your own planets, sell your wares to players (fully player driven market besides some starter gear and ships), build your own space station.
The community even builds their own jumpgates to connect systems they explored. There is the whole milky way to explore (procedural generated like in ED).
You can land on every planet simply by flying through the atmosphere too!

The only downside right now are graphics but thanks to a recently successful completed kickstarter campaign they will get updated.
The game is based on the unity engine wich means nice graphics are possible.

There is a free demo wich allows you to get a very good look at the game.
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