Asp Explorer: Shields and Power Distributors



Muchos thank yous and I heard my personal penny drop on the first screen...I'm using a much bigger power plant 5A, so I got way more power to play with fer one thing. In many respects, keeping that meant that refitting for bubble life was much easier...budget still too tight fer multiple ships, and I actually really love the asp...although in all fairness, I've never owned anything bigger. Honestly never thought it would make that much of a difference...this coming from the guy that thought the AFM weighed something.

Gotta spread some love around before ye get some rep, but it's on the way ^^
Muchos thank yous and I heard my personal penny drop on the first screen...I'm using a much bigger power plant 5A, so I got way more power to play with fer one thing. In many respects, keeping that meant that refitting for bubble life was much easier...budget still too tight fer multiple ships, and I actually really love the asp...although in all fairness, I've never owned anything bigger. Honestly never thought it would make that much of a difference...this coming from the guy that thought the AFM weighed something.

Gotta spread some love around before ye get some rep, but it's on the way ^^

In 2.1 Beta FDev tryed to give fuelscoop, AFMU and stuff weight.
I'm glad they didn't :D
One thing that has gone ignored in this thread: boost speed. How about throwing in some grade 3+ clean drive tuning for a build that can boost? Throw in an engine PD and enjoy the extra boosting frequency as well.

You don't need that much shields if you can outboost any NPC after submitting. Giving some love to those thrusters and PDs by upgrading from D spec gain mass quickly though...
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One thing that has gone ignored in this thread: boost speed. How about throwing in some grade 3+ clean drive tuning for a build that can boost? Throw in an engine PD and enjoy the extra boosting frequency as well.

That's something I am definitely looking into (although I am still unsure should I go for clean or dirty drives), but I decided to wait for rebalance of engineers at the end of this or the beginning of next month.
One thing that has gone ignored in this thread: boost speed. How about throwing in some grade 3+ clean drive tuning for a build that can boost? Throw in an engine PD and enjoy the extra boosting frequency as well.

You don't need that much shields if you can outboost any NPC after submitting. Giving some love to those thrusters and PDs by upgrading from D spec gain mass quickly though...

that is definetly a good idea - i have some L3 or L4 drive tuning (not sure which one) on my (trading) AspE, which i needed for levelling with palin, and it boost to 420 with A5 thrusters... the hit of optimal mass wouldn't even play a role with 4D thrusters, and you also get more manouverabilty - nice for landing.

you only have to watch out for the extra powerdraw of tuned thrusters, if you run a powerstarved build.

i have L5 clean drive tuning on my explonda (which is a comfy build with 6A thrusters), it runs at 19%, and a dirty drive L5 on my beloved DBE with a-class thrusters, which now runs at 21-22% and can handle the heat very well - but it isn't the hypercool-exploration ship it was before.

if you anyway sport a build with undersized d-class thrusters like the one linked, the speed increase of 10-15% L5 clean drive won't save you (you'll have 370 m/s boost speed), so I'd say it isn't worth the hassle, and a dirty drive tuning up to L3 would be the same, but a L5 dirty drive tuning would push you into a different speed class (around 400 m/s).

if you go with 5D thrusters, clean drive tuning should be enough, though.
Clean and dirty tuning? Is that a choice to make when you visit engineers?
I'm assuming there's a downside to dirty tuning if it gives higher boost speed?
i use th set in my sig. had 5a shields before but ditched them because i learned to land without crashing at some point :)
Clean and dirty tuning? Is that a choice to make when you visit engineers?
I'm assuming there's a downside to dirty tuning if it gives higher boost speed?

yes, two ways to modify your thrusters. difference between the two: clean drive tuning reduces your thermal load from thrusters (reduced for up to 50%), dirty drive tuning increases thermal load from thrusters (increases for up to 100%). clean drive tuning caps out at +15% gain on speed/manouverability, dirty drive tuning caps out at +25% gain on speed/manouverability.
Why do people still keep bringing 2 AFMUs into the black? Your ship will be a cloud of debris by the time you need to repair your AFMU. Better save the slot of the second AFMU for something else.
Why do people still keep bringing 2 AFMUs into the black? Your ship will be a cloud of debris by the time you need to repair your AFMU. Better save the slot of the second AFMU for something else.

this. also - even if your AFMU hits 0%, you can reboot your ship to bring it back by cannibalizing other moduls, which you repair after that. only limitation is life supports oxygen which runs during reboot, afaik.
Why do people still keep bringing 2 AFMUs into the black? Your ship will be a cloud of debris by the time you need to repair your AFMU. Better save the slot of the second AFMU for something else.

Knowing you can repair your AFMU with your second AFMU. Saying that I may ditch for cargo space
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Its little funny to read posts of people who are afraid so much about intredictions and the game itself.. You can build your exploring ship as you want.. you can even have 15Ly range and go exploring.. its your choise.. but dont come and say that its NEEDED and terrorise the new players.. All you need is a 3D shield, no shield boosters, nothing. Use a 3D power distributor with 3xfocus to engines.. use a 5D thusters with 5xdirty drive and you are done. When you return go solo , and if 1 in 1000 you got intredicted for no reason, (which happens VERY VERY rarely) then, if you cant win the intrediction ,which is easy, log out when you get the NPC message... or submit and boost and go asp boosts for 460m/s .. untill the NPC spawns after the intrediction im already 5-6klm away... and as long as you dont boost directly on the walls of a station you ll be fine...
no need, at returning you go into private mode so that you don't meet up with players. for landing the 3D works very well with 4pips in sys, a very small little bit of flight-skill is needed xD
5D shields are too heavy, boosters need too much energy what means, you need a greater powerplant.....again range decrease.
it's for exploring, not multipurpose or combat

If you are not wanted, don't have cargo and don't fly through powerplay systems, you barely have to fear any interdiction^^
This ship is LITERALLY a multipurpose ship???
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