ATR and influence.

Anyone know if ATR are worth more than a regular kill for bringing down influence? Wondering if it's worth my time to keep hunting them. I got a couple kills but they're starting to just wake. I've got discount groms but not the real ones so gromming isn't super viable.
Anyone know if ATR are worth more than a regular kill for bringing down influence? Wondering if it's worth my time to keep hunting them. I got a couple kills but they're starting to just wake. I've got discount groms but not the real ones so gromming isn't super viable.
As far as i was aware, kills weren't what brought down influence, rather, the commission of a violent crime... which affects the jurisdiction it occurs in.

For example, it's more efficiently to tag 20 innocents with your laser and flee, than it is to spend the time killing 20 ships.

@Rubbernuke ?
ATR (from my experience, which is not recent) don't count, mainly as they are not a local force but supra-system (i.e. they cover a superpower / indie space).

Jmanis is right in that its the action that counts. From my own (old) tests one murder bounty is equal to four assault bounties- so in effect by slapping a load of ships, run away and do it again you are being just as effective as killing outright. The major upside is that you incur no huge murder bounties (which quickly go into the billions). Also assaults do not trigger ATR (or never did with me) so you can stay in system.

One bug / caveat- interdiction (the act) does count toward ATR. I used to rack up 'failed' interdiction attempts by finding a security ship already chasing an NPC and trying to interdict them (and getting the 'interdiction failed' message). Spam this too much and from my limited tests (because it was so rare) ATR treated it like a murder 🤷‍♂️

This is why surface bases (Horizon bases, not tested EDO) are such a liability, because they can be farmed. Again, this is old (so change might have happened) but trespass counts, destroying parts of bases counts as assault and you can pop local defence without ATR.

Bear in mind too that murder has been nerfed into the floor, has been made much more difficult (due to 'hot ships' being binned) and bounties being so high.

This manifests strangely in Archons R5 PP bonus, which (when active) negates all BGS effects from murder by zeroing the bounty when you jump out.
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Oh thanks for all the replies guys. Yeah that's goofy as hell. I thought the influence was proportional to the bounty amount lol. Yeah I'll stick to surface settlements from now on.
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