Attempting Sol to Beagle Point with no fuel scoop/fuel rat assistance

The time of madness has hit...after my previous journey from Sol to Sag A to Colonia without a fuel scoop/fuel rat assistance my data pretty much said it wasn't possible to make it to Beagle Point with just a tanked out conda....but a few weeks ago i was testing out fuel consumption using an FSD Booster and we now get much better light yearage per ton with it. I'm still unsure if it can make it (the last 6 kly's will be the real test if i can get that far) but i will be attempting anyway just to see if it can be done. I already left to start this journey 6 days ago...and i am making some pretty good timing so far, i haven't got into the core yet were some of the jumps will be measured in ls instead of ly...that'll be a little daunting. Unlike last time, i will be using material synthesis for this trip, mainly for the jumponium to reduce fuel consumption on the last legs of the journey and for refilling life support.

I chose now to do it with DW2 going on so if i don't make it getting help being refueled so i can limp back home unfulfilled will be easier or if i do make it there will be other CMDR's nearby to refuel me for the trip back home after taking the glory shot at BP. But because of DW2 going on, i have been hesitant of posting this on the forums....don't want to come across any . I chose to post it now, being i would like to share with others and the exploration forum isn't as populated so my risks are lower than if i posted this in DD.

My current build:

(my ly range min and max is 48.08/48.04/83.38...about ten days ago i noticed the stats changed, unsure what it is though and its across all builds, dont know if any of you have noticed this or know why and the 84.04 is what i started with, its the extra ton in the reserve tank the ship runs off of that doesnt get included in weight for some reason but anyway the ranges given are incorrect on coriolis)

I will not be keeping as detailed of a log like my previous journey, will only be tracking distances and what my current jump range is for making estimates for fuel consumption rates and what not, i am on xbox one and don't get all the cool extras to make this consolers now have access to EDSM but its a nightmare and pretty much still useless ATM until improved)

I will occasionally stream my progress on twitch, i'm not really a streamer, i wont be chatting away or even responding to anything in chat, wont even have stream chat open on my'll just be for viewing. You can view at

I wont be updating this every day, maybe once a week or two to show my progress. I'm about 12-13k out from Sol right now and have used about 25% of my fuel, don't let the numbers fool you...this is an improvement and the ship will become more fuel efficient as it burns through and gets lighter and increases jump range.

To all those participating in DW2 have fun and hopefully i can meet up with every one at BP.

UPDATE: 2 Apr 3305


My trip is over...i ended up at Ceeckia OT-Q C21-0, 156 ly away from Beagle Point. It was a long trip, and on the plus side...if i didnt bring an AMFU and instead used a 4 ton fuel tank in its place....this journey would have been made, which means that the trip is possible. I just didnt get it, but now my curiosity has been fed and can move onto other things. Maybe in a year or two i will attempt again if no one else wants to break this record....i did fly over 65,000ly. I did stream it, got here faster than i thought so didnt have time to notify here and expect anyone to have read it so sorry about

I traveled 81,956 ly, (65,149 straight line) in 22,538 jumps on 464 tons of fuel, averaging 176ly per ton (140.4lypt straight line).

Am i upset? no, im actually amazed i made it this far after 22,538 jumps and still had hull at 95%, I'm happy knowing that the trip is possible even though it wasnt by me and want to thank all of you that cheered on during this 3 month ordeal.

I am currently traveling towards BP in supercruise, have about 30 minutes of fuel in reserve tank. Seeing if i can get to 155ly of BP this way while listening to Drift Away by Dobie Gray, if any of you want to get visual/audio idea of how i am ending this trip. gonna fly to the death.

See you all in the black....i'll be out there. Watching.Through binoculars. While holding a blue mug.

-Swankycriminal signing out
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Trip update: Currently about 25% of the way to BP, now getting to the +700 jumps to do 1kly...burnt through 29% of my fuel (about 135 this point my last trip i burnt through 196 tons so fuel conservation has been majorly improved) and current maths estimates now say i can get about 54,600 ly from Sol (at the beginning it was about 36,000, hoping to get that number way above 65,000 before i clear the core and stars start to thin out, but so far so good)

oh and im averaging 146.5 ly per ton of fuel...starting to think that'll be the seems i'm now using more fuel just having my ship running than from jumping so dont know if it can go any higher.

Well it might be possible to do on an undersized fsd with a guardian booster, since the booster gives a fixed jump range increase
You can jump a fuel stuffed cutter nearly 11ly on a size 2 fsd, coriolis says it has a 15k ly total laden range so if you could fly economy mode like that im sure you could circle the galaxy with it :p

Of course 11ly is quite abysmal but im sure you could find a balance between horrible ranges and hyper efficient jumping

Somebody already went to colonia once withouth a fuel scoop and had fuel to spare iirc, with the added efficiency of the booster it might be done even faster/more efficiently

Edit : heres that cutter :p after fiddling with it i realize there's nothing to be gained in terms of fuel efficiency by undersizing the fsd and coupling it to a guardian booster because you couldnt economy plot anywhere without getting stuck all the time lol

if you wanted to set a record number of consecutive non-economy jumps however, this cutter cant be beat :D
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