Attention Citizens of The Milky Way Galaxy

Judges? You command me to stop you'll have to tail me through SC. You interdict me, I may kill you on sight.

smugglers lead the way.

Sounds like OP just deployed the oversized neon "SHOOT HERE" sign.

Assaulting a Judge is a Section IV crime and subject to immediate sentencing.

Judge not lest YE be judged.

All Judges are subject to internal review. All current Judges are in full compliance with the law.

I demand to see my lawyer!

All Judges are qualified lawyers. If you are in need of representation, please contact us.

Judges? You command me to stop you'll have to tail me through SC. You interdict me, I may kill you on sight.

smugglers lead the way.

Smuggling is a crime, citizen.

Killing a Judge is a Section IV crime and subject to immediate sentencing.

Failure to comply is a Section I crime and subject to immediate sentencing.

Displaying an act of aggression is a Section II crime and subject to immediate sentencing.

We know that only the mentally impaired truly wish to break the law. I'd like to think that you are not mentally impaired, citizen. We are offering you safety, reliability and justice whilst distributing law to the lawless. This is what the majority of people clearly want. Why don't you?

- Judge Commander Binerexis

Help me Judge!

I am finding it impossible to avoid becoming a perp.The draconian laws have made criminals of us all.

I am constantly finding myself carted off in H wagons,I have been accused of sleeping with women of ill repute,and I have even smuggled sugar into mega-city one.I can't take another year in an Iso cube!
As long as we do not cross paths, I care not what you're trying to establish. However, if the time comes when we do cross paths, and you take it upon yourself to pass "judgement" on me, you will have a very tough time in space. Keep in mind that everyone can be bought. The next time you refuel, that mechanic might just "accidentally" put something that goes boom in the night into your cargohold.

The draconian laws have made criminals of us all.

Nonsense, citizen. The law has simply opened everyone's eyes to the epidemic of criminality.

The next time you refuel, that mechanic might just "accidentally" put something that goes boom in the night into your cargohold.

Your concern is appreciated, citizen. However, we Judges have access to our own station, The Justice Orbital, and do not fear idle threats from outside contractors. Still, your support has been noted.

- Judge Commander Binerexis

By sentencing I guess you kill me. I deploy hard points and you shoot...I guess you don't understand who has the bounty and is a criminal. Prepare to be judged by your own judges.

Exactly, we get 'sentenced' for not responding to a hail, this bloke deploys his hard points and shoots. We then shoot back, kill him and take the bounty, fine by me.
Exactly, we get 'sentenced' for not responding to a hail, this bloke deploys his hard points and shoots. We then shoot back, kill him and take the bounty, fine by me.


It's disheartening to see such prevalent anti-social behaviour in The Bubble. Criminals like you who are so against an orderly, just galactic society is exactly why the Judges have been requested to act.

- Judge Commander Binerexis


Nonsense, citizen. The law has simply opened everyone's eyes to the epidemic of criminality.

Nice spin Judge.But this doesn't help me.I mean,the Angel family go out of the way to commit all sorts of real crime,and I'm lumped into the same basket as they are just because I hovered over a pad for 1 second too long? There's a need for proper justice in this Galaxy,and it's needed now!
My, Fellow black marketeers, mercenaries, and pirates.

I, Commander Jonathan Everest declare an unofficial war on the Judges. Let us bring their lawlessness disguised as law bring down the heat of a million stars upon their heads.

For I would rather live as a free man under the guise of slavery, than be a slave under the guise of freedom.

May your lasers replace the need for petty talk.

May you have fair solar winds and riches unmeasurable,

Cmdr, J. Everest

on a sidenote FDEV, this needs to be a thing, players placing bounties on other players (at will), and small scale "clan wars"
The Judge uniform is still up for debate and discussion. If you are so inclined, I can arrange for you to be our designer. I will of course require a portfolio of your other works and check that you are fully qualified to cater to our needs.

- Judge Commander Binerexis

Hahahaha! Man, that answer to the leather cult comment made my day LMAO! :D
And another thought was, hey there is nothing to stop people from joining up and start policing the ED universe or "gang it up" which i think is pretty cool, and i guess we will see this more and more so if you arent on the right side of the law or dont want to be bullied by gangs - bring your own gang when going to stations and other busy places unless you wanna get shot for being "on the wrong side". :)
Last guy who interdicted me to scan my ship didn't like it so much,
I have two words for anyone else who wants to try.
Mine Dispensers.
I'd rather be shot down by someone roleplaying a vigilante Dredd-style Judge than just some 'kill for fun' griefer. Which is odd, as it shouldn't really make a difference, but it does.

It's the difference of living in a believable universe. There are vigilante gangs in lawless places across the Earth right now, and some of them have far more arbitrary and dangerous "laws" than this.
My, Fellow black marketeers, mercenaries, and pirates.

I, Commander Jonathan Everest declare an unofficial war on the Judges. Let us bring their lawlessness disguised as law bring down the heat of a million stars upon their heads.

For I would rather live as a free man under the guise of slavery, than be a slave under the guise of freedom.

May your lasers replace the need for petty talk.

May you have fair solar winds and riches unmeasurable,

Cmdr, J. Everest

on a sidenote FDEV, this needs to be a thing, players placing bounties on other players (at will), and small scale "clan wars"


I grow tired of this flagrant disregard for the law, justice and the safety of all inhabitants of the galaxy. Admittedly, I was rather hoping to wait until we had our Decentralised Regulatory Entity for Due Diligence operational with more field testing but you have left me with no choice.

Commander Jonathan Everest, you have been found guilty of Obstructing the course of Justice, Inciting Lawlessness, Endangering Citizens en Masse, Intent to Assault a Judge and Illegal Declaration of War.

The sentence is death.

May the suffering you cause to the good people of The Bubble between this time and the carrying out of your sentence be brief.

The first person to carry out this sentence with appropriate video evidence and send it to me through a private communication line will receive 20,000 Credits in a commodity suitable for transport. You will be found ineligible for the reward if:

- The video is posted publicly without the proper case file and evidence identifiers. I will give you these upon successful review of the footage.

- There is any suspicion of foul play or collusion with the criminal.

- There is any extraneous information in the video. We understand that many people modify their HUD elements and super-impose their name onto every blank surface in their cockpit these days but these elements get in the way of what is important: Evidence. Similarly, we would appreciate it if you ceased incoming audio transmissions whilst recording but this is not absolutely necessary.

The brave citizen who conducts this act will not only be fulfilled with the knowledge they have upheld Justice and made the galaxy a better, safer place but they will also be considered of increased eligibility to become a Judge.

- Judge Commander Binerexis

I was buying in to this until I read

>soul form of justice

Now it seems to me this Judge is showing signs of Mental Impairment. Other Judges take note.
Our encryption system is not always the best and often jumbles up letters. For clarity, this post is being sent WITHOUT encryption.

Mental acuity is an incredibly important part of being a safe pilot and commander. As you pointed out, slight errors in non-encrypted communication (ship-to-ship communication, for example) can be a sign of severe impairment and unfitness to be a commander. As such, I am currently going through the necessary motions to ensure that displaying signs of such impairments will be considered a Section I offence.

Not only do I thank you, Commander Tannhäuser, but the galaxy thanks you.

- Judge Commander Binerexis
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