Launch Procol convoy 2
With the launch of convoy 2 upcoming we want to apply an "aha moment" we had during the launch of convoy 1 when not all commanders involved were familiair with the launch protocol. For convoy 2 we will meet up at the surface of planet 1 orbiting the B star of the Ocshooit system (see EDSM or the first post in this thread for details). The meetup time of 19:00 GT is a "latest time". Feel free to arrive earlier if you want for some social engagement with your fellow adventurers.
The launch from orbit is at 20:00 GT which will be referred to as T time.
We will do a precharged, no boost orbital jump out of the Ocshooit system. Read on if you're unsure how this works.
- At T-30 minutes, pilots will depart from the surface into orbit.
- Every pilot target their wing leader.
- Once in orbit, the wing leader will drop from supercruise to normal flight (this will be somewhere just outside the blue line marker of the planet).
- Pilots will drop into their wing leader's low wake, thus joining the instance.
- Pilots unable to drop into the wake for whatever reason, request a wing from the wing leader and use the wing beacon to drop in.
- All pilots target the first system in their navigation panel as their jump destination.
- At T-20 seconds every pilot will start charging their FSD, but will KEEP THROTTLE AT 0.
- Wing leader will count down the final 10 seconds.
- At T all pilots will set throttle to full. NO BOOST!!
- JUMP!!!
Important: For winged instance joining, the polite thing to do is to leave the wing as soon as you're in the instance in order to make room for others.
Names of wing leaders will be announced nearer the launch date, either through local in-game chat or through Discord.
This protocol will be used for subsequent meetups at basecamps unless otherwise communicated / agreed.