Autumn 2024 DLC Speculation

A "light" aviary system, you say? Tell me more! Anything that ties in flighted birds effectively would be a general win for the community. But man, would it be a risky move to introduce a new feature like that just before they move on to new projects... If people thought the non-functioning gift shops was rough, imagine if aviaries broke the game and it didn't get fixed for months. 😝

I do think an arboreal/treetops pack would be a great way to sneak in most of the key Latin American animals, the tree kangaroo, and some flighted birds. I still think it's super unlikely but if it hinges mostly on new enrichment items rather than a new ? I guess I could see it.
Honestly yeah that’s why I think if anything it would be enrichment based only.


Like this “nest platform”, I imagine storks, the secretary bird, and a spoonbill could use it. They could “fly” up to it, which is really just a long jumping animation. Maybe it’s the only thing that allows them to “fly”, but using it you could fake some verticality while building.


Likewise maybe you could add a perching object which is only a meter or two off the ground, and ducks, pelicans, and pheasants can jump up to it to preen and perch. Once again you wouldn’t have true free flying, but it would still add some verticality which wouldn’t otherwise exist.

I obviously don’t expect any system to be added at this point, but I think it could be pretty cool to meet somewhere in the middle!
No real reason for oddballs in a final pack tho.
Assumeably they were always included previously to 'water down' the pack and leave some requested animals for later packs.
Tell that to whatever name was that pterosaur they put in the final JWE2 pack instead of Hatzegopteryx 😂
Oddball is not the same as a bad choice! I just don’t think we expected it. Kiwi and devil we saw coming, LBP and the quokka? Not so much.
Quokka was unexpected (though welcomed by me), but I always saw little penguin as having a good chance if we ever got an Oceania revisit given they're really the only possible habitat animals from New Zealand besides kiwis that are kept outside their native country, plus they work great as a "clone" pick which Oceania generally doesn't have a lot of options for (given how unique most of its animals are). I still thought the chances of ever seeing little penguins in PZ were extremely slim, despite them being my most wanted bird, but that was because I thought we'd never get another Oceania pack 😅
Quokka was unexpected (though welcomed by me), but I always saw little penguin as having a good chance if we ever got an Oceania revisit given they're really the only possible habitat animals from New Zealand besides kiwis that are kept outside their native country, plus they work great as a "clone" pick which Oceania generally doesn't have a lot of options for (given how unique most of its animals are). I still thought the chances of ever seeing little penguins in PZ were extremely slim, despite them being my most wanted bird, but that was because I thought we'd never get another Oceania pack 😅
Two packs for Oceanía, plus Grasslands, plus Twilight.

Meanwhile SA 🥲
Two packs for Oceanía, plus Grasslands, plus Twilight.

Meanwhile SA 🥲
Oceania was just as shafted in the PZ base game as South America was - if any other continent needed two packs, it was Oceania, and after all that it's still got the fewest animals of any continent besides Antarctica. What I'm really baffled by though is how South America seems like it's not going to get a dedicated revisit even though it's been the most requested continent for years - why they chose to make their final regional pack Eurasia over SA is beyond me (I respect how important animals like the wisent and wolverine were to some people, but it's just that SA had been the most requested pack for a regional revisit from day one).

(also I don't think Twilight really counts as being an honorary Oceania pack when it gave us a single animal. A single animal I adore, but a single animal nonetheless)
The longer it takes, it does make me wonder if we really are going to get a larger sized pack. I think the upper limit we should expect would be 14 (basically two animal packs), I've tried to come up with the ideal community-choice roster based on what I've seen the community ask for over the last few months:
  1. South American Coati (Number 1 on the wishlist and seen as one of the headliners for Latin America)
  2. Secretary Bird (This has been number 1 on the OG Meta-Wishlist for ages now and has been a fan favourite for ages, I feel like its not talked about much now but really it deserves to be here)
  3. Goodfellow's Tree-Kangaroo (Not a personal favourite of mine but the community loves it, widely seen as the "last needed Oceanian animal")
  4. Black Howler Monkey (The cries for a NW monkey have been loud for well over a year now, this has always been the most popular pick)
  5. Mandarin Duck (Everyone seems to be on the duck train now, I think this would go over really well)
  6. Hamadryas Baboon (A species which has felt like a major omission for a long time, a baboon is the most popular choice for a monkey besides a NW species and everyone agrees monkeys are very underrepresented)
  7. Patagonian Mara (Patagonia is still criminally underrepresented and this is a common zoo animal that has become a very popular choice in the community)
  8. Blackbuck (Easy ungulate clone and widely seen as the most important missing animal in India, which is highly lacking in filler species)
  9. Great White Pelican (Everyone seems to agree a pelican is needed and this is the most popular species)
  10. Walrus (When it comes to big name animals, this is one of the last ones we don't have that remains popular, seen as one of the last Arctic species needed, also getting one more marine mammal would go down well)
  11. Greater Rhea (Another ratite that would be an easy clone, but having just the mara on its own would feel weird at this point considering they are widely seen as a duo)
  12. Spectacled Bear (A large carnivoran for more casuals but also South America rep and a popular choice in general, overally a safe pick)
  13. King Cobra (This has been the most requested exhibit animal for forever, would be good for the final box)
  14. Linnaeus' Two-Toed Sloth (Makes sense to give WE a final hurrah too, another boost for SA and would remedy the issues people had with the choice in the Tropical Pack.
This was really really hard, so many fan favourites still missed out (Markhor, Musk Ox, Ocelot, Golden Pheasant, another small cat, other water birds, more monkeys...) but I think this is honestly the best case scenario for the community at this point.
Oceania was just as shafted in the PZ base game as South America was - if any other continent needed two packs, it was Oceania, and after all that it's still got the fewest animals of any continent besides Antarctica. What I'm really baffled by though is how South America seems like it's not going to get a dedicated revisit even though it's been the most requested continent for years - why they chose to make their final regional pack Eurasia over SA is beyond me (I respect how important animals like the wisent and wolverine were to some people, but it's just that SA had been the most requested pack for a regional revisit from day one).

(also I don't think Twilight really counts as being an honorary Oceania pack when it gave us a single animal. A single animal I adore, but a single animal nonetheless)
I was half joking.

SA also got two animals in Aquatic, Grasslands and Wetlands (even if two of them were caimans), an anniversary animal, the sloth in tropical, the alpaca in Barnyard and one dedicated scenery pack.

The problem with SA is that is missing key species even if it had some additions in all those packs while Oceania feels pretty complete, at least when it comes to basic species for an adequate Oceania section in zoos.

Rhea, coati, mara and bunch of monkey types (Tamarins, howler, spider, squirrel) and birds (Scarlet ibis, roseatte spoonbill, and well ofc flying birds like macaws and toucans in general) all of which are VERY common in zoos and imo pretty important for making a flesh out SA section.
The problem with SA is that is missing key species even if it had some additions in all those packs while Oceania feels pretty complete, at least when it comes to basic species for an adequate Oceania section in zoos.

Rhea, coati, mara and bunch of monkey types (Tamarins, howler, spider, squirrel) and birds (Scarlet ibis, roseatte spoonbill, and well ofc flying birds like macaws and toucans in general) all of which are VERY common in zoos and imo pretty important for making a flesh out SA section.
I think the main thing with South America is that in the end of the day to get the representation it deserves Frontier would have had to care about two animal groups they just …… don’t do as much. Yes it’s the same tired argument on here once again! It’s monkeys and birds time!!!!!!!!!!!

As someone not from South America I can say that at this point in the game you could genuinely make a pretty decent South American section. You got the Jaguar, tapir, maned wolf, anteater, capuchin monkey, and even some weirdos like the peccary and armadillo. The problem, as previously stated, is most South American sections have a ton of monkeys and birds. As of now we have one monkey species, and we have no suitable bird species. Even a little can go a long way. One more monkey, and a handful of birds, can honestly solve this problem. The issue is if Frontier will actually commit to the bit. So even if South America has a selection that is larger than Oceania, from an international standpoint it doesn’t feel as complete.

North America desperately needs a bird, even South America (though it’s such a stupid thing to bring up) technically has a bird in the King Penguin. If you wanted to make a Falkland Islands habitat you could. Despite that, I think North America can potentially get away without any birds. Though it really pains me to say this. South America however, can’t say the same. Likewise African sections always have monkeys, but I think Africa could get away without a new monkey right now. It has a good number of primates (and also the mandril which is technically a monkey) which all can be used to fill that niche. South America however, can once again not say the same. It needs one more monkey.

TLDR: South America has a decent collection of animals in game, but while technically having more animals than Oceania it still feels more incomplete. This is due to most Zoos compiling a South American section with monkeys and birds, which we all know this game lacks. So here’s hoping the final dlc will fix that.

Bonus: here are the animals I think South America needs to feel “complete”. As much as I want the coati and mara, and I do badly, I just find the animals below more necessary. For me these are the bare minimum, both from a gameplay perspective and international one.
  • Any monkey, can be a black howler, golden lion tamarin, or someone far out there like the white faced saki or cotton top tamarin.
  • The greater Rhea. It gets a section all to itself! Represents Patagonia the best.
  • Any of the pink trio. Be it the roseate spoonbill, American flamingo, or scarlet ibis. While many will disagree with me, any of these three will go a long way. The flamingo had the bonus of being the best animal out of the three that doesn’t need a mixed species habitat, IMO the SI and RS kind of need that. Likewise for a continent known for colorful birds we need them for that.
  • Finally, a waterfowl. Many tropical South American sections have them, it can be a whistling duck, Brazilian teal, or a Muscovy duck. Likewise, already having a temperate mute swan having a tropical duck can go along way in diversifying the games roster.
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I will say though, I still think there is a chance that the next dlc pays no attention to the meta wishlist or “what we asked for”. Remember a year ago one people brought up domestic/farm animals? Remember how that would constantly get shot down? Remember how barnyard shocked us so much the forums had a meltdown?

I’m genuinely open to anything, I don’t think it’s 100% likely to be a zoo keeper pack, I still think the door is open to anything. Coastal, rainforest, Latin America, it’s all still likely. Yes JWE2 ended with a “Zoo Keeper Pack” but it also had a carnivore pack we never got.

I think if we start allowing any form of new speculation will:
  1. Keep conversations more fresh
  2. Keep us prepared for anything no matter how “far out there” it seems
Thing is they already covered the packs that are thee first roster second besides coastal and south america 2. I do however think if we are looking at what features are most requested and could be packs that leaves some outlandish options including exhibits, aquatic and avairies all of which are very unlikely to get whole dedicated packs as the last pack.
The manatee would have to be a fully aquatic species, and the chances of us getting a single fully aquatic animal and no others is very low. It would also be a bizarre decision on Frontier's part, considering semi-aquatic animals got their own DLC when they were introduced.
If we were to get a single aquatic species it would be the manatee I do also think people severely overestimate the difficulty of adding a fully aquatic animal to the game we are already 90% with deep diving it would literally just require a way of starting the animal in the water which there are 2 very simple ways of addressing this
  • make it so when keepers add the animal to the habitat they through it into thee water and will only do so if the water is close to the entrance this require almost no new features besides the animal itself
  • make a new habitat gate which we know they can and have be able to be placed on water and have a platform for keepers to stand on this is more work but still not that functionally difficult
So here’s the thing, we are usually either half right:
  • We thought we would get a mountain pack with a takin and Wolverine, and we got Eurasia
Or Frontier likes to provide oddballs to keep us on our toes:
  • Little blue penguin in Oceania, or Nile lechwe in wetlands
So with all that being said, what do you guys think they will do to mix things up? I know some people think Frontier will follow the Meta Wishlist close, while I still think Frontier may want to surprise us or throw a curveball. So part of me wonders if instead of a black howler, we get a white faced saki. Or instead of the hamadryas we get the olive baboon. That’s just one example but what do you guys think?
saki for howler makes sense but there is no way the olive baboon would be the oddball. The thing with oddballs is that they have a purpose they add some sort of comedy or rarity to the game the olive baboon is just the hamadryas baboon but worse even though I want it more than the hamadryas it isnt as highly requested fills the same building and visual niches and doesnt look as eyecatching as the hamadryas. The gelda on the other hand now thats an oddball pick the could replace the hamadryas
I think the main thing with South America is that in the end of the day to get the representation it deserves Frontier would have had to care about two animal groups they just …… don’t do as much. Yes it’s the same tired argument on here once again! It’s monkeys and birds time!!!!!!!!!!!
I mostly agree, South America has three main gaps:

1) Monkeys
2) Birds (all other continents suffer this too)
3) Patagonian animals

The third group is the one that I think we could still get eventually. By adding the rhea and the mara, which do not require any special features to be made, South America would improve a lot in my opinion. Additional animals like coati, ocelot or tamandua would be welcome of course, but they are not really essential (despite how much I want the coati).
I mostly agree, South America has three main gaps:

1) Monkeys
2) Birds (all other continents suffer this too)
3) Patagonian animals

The third group is the one that I think we could still get eventually. By adding the rhea and the mara, which do not require any special features to be made, South America would improve a lot in my opinion. Additional animals like coati, ocelot or tamandua would be welcome of course, but they are not really essential (despite how much I want the coati).
i think i have the solution for all our problems, you guys want a patagonian animal, and a monkey cant help with bird part
i think i have the solution for all our problems, you guys want a patagonian animal, and a monkey cant help with bird part
Patagonia doesn't seem to have any monkeys at all, they span into northern Argentina (Black & Azara's Capuchin), but don't seem to span into the Valdivian temperate rainforests or Magellanic subpolar forests (it does look to be effectively an island seperated from tropical forest by arid, mountain and grassland regions).

In the Valdivian temperate forest there's Monito del Monte (the closest American relative to the Australian marsupials), shrew opossums and climbing mice, but no monkeys mentioned.

There's burrowing parrots, but I feel people are more interested in pudus, maras & rheas as patagonian representatives.
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Patagonia doesn't seem to have any monkeys at all, they span into northern Argentina (Black & Azara's Capuchin), but don't seem to span into the Valdivian temperate rainforests or Magellanic subpolar forests (it does look to be effectively an island seperated from tropical forest by arid, mountain and grassland regions).

In the Valdivian temperate forest there's Monito del Monte (the closest American relative to the Australian marsupials), shrew opossums and climbing mice, but no monkeys mentioned.

There's burrowing parrots, but I feel people are more interested in pudus, maras & rheas as patagonian representatives.
I think the montio del monte would be a great wild card for a south america pack. Its unique, has a fun name is rare and has an educational message. It does not replace the need for a south american monkey though
Zoo keepers collection sounds like a fine name to me.
Now do we know for sure that the latest jwe2 is the final? While the name and variety sound like a miscellaneous dlc with no obvious theme, does that mean it’s the last?
At this rate I’d be disappointed if this incoming dlc doesn’t give us more then 7+1 due to our lack of dlcs.
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