Discussion Best Elite Dangerous and Odyssey 3rd Party Addons and Tools

As I am fairly new to 3rd party add-ons/tools which would you guys consider to be the best and most useful for Elite Dangerous and Odyssey? I mainly do exploring with some combat both space and ground. Looking at doing exobiology next.
Elite Dangerous Market Connector (with Artemis Tracker plugin and Spansh* plugin)
EDDI (with Voice Attack) - Voice responder to ingame events via internal data and third party tools.
EDISON - an ingame satnav, with voice for VR
ED Odyssey Materials Helper - an engineering godsend; helps you track materials and plan your next upgrades
EDHM_UI (Elite Dangerous Hud Mod UI) - Custom HUD colours
Edsy - theory craft your ship builds
CMDR's Toolbox Multi-waypoint planner - The whole site really, but I use this planner on CMDR's Toolbox when doing the rounds for engineering for example
ED Ship Anatomy - see convergence points for your ships weapons
Shield Optimizer - Helps plan shielding for your ships
Spansh - Neutron route plotter, see plugin for EDMC above
Inara - many tools on one site

Those are a few that I use regularly.

*Read This if Spansh plugin not working
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