Ships Best ship to install the FSD V1 on??

I personally use 3 different experiementals with pre-engineered FSDs (this includes the TechBroker 5AFSDv1, but also the Colonia Bridge rewards - 3A, 4A and 6A pre-engineered FSDs which are having the same engineering like the 5A-v1):
  • i'm using MassManager when i need more jump range - this adds like 5+ lightyears jumprange to verylight exploration builds and about 1.5-2ly to heavy builds
  • i'm using ThermalSpread for hot ships like T-7 or T-6
  • I'm using DoubleBraced on my combat ships - for example, my AX Krait is using the 5AFSDv1 with DoubleBraced experimental.
I plan on having one of each. It doesn't take much effort to swap the FSD after changing ships. The initial time getting mats for 3 V1's will be worth it to me in the long run.
I've noticed a few interesting things about the pre-engineered FSD v1 - it's not the best solution for every ship, every build, or every situation. It needs more power and produces more heat. I have 6 of them - and sometimes I come to the conclusion that 5 would be quite enough for me.
For any build that wants to stay as cool as possible, v1 FSD should be avoided. For example, to sniff around the Titan, I use a 5A FSD shielded/thermal spread.
I also noticed that even when the temperature of the ship is not particularly important, that FSD v1 provides almost no benefit. For example, I take some missions to kill pirates, about 10 - 20 LY around some system - and I see that v1 FSD does not bring me any advantages, because in such situations I usually don't care if I have, for example, 22 or 25 LY jump. Or if I need to travel 40 LY away - again that difference in range is irrelevant to me, as I need two jumps no matter which FSD I use.
And of course, there are instances when FSD v1 is really useful - for long trips with DBX or ASPX or Phantom.
What I'm actually saying is that the usefulness of that module is limited.
Bubble travel with fewer jumps - Asp Explorer
Deep space exploration - Diamondback Explorer (I used an Orca myself)
Asp Explorer is good for deep space long distance exploration as well, but of course it depends a bit on what kind of exploration you want to do.

The DBX is smaller and lighter than the AspX, and thus you can squeeze a slightly larger jump range from the former. If somewhat extremely optimized, perhaps about 70ly vs 60ly. You might get closer to 70ly with the AspX if you make it an absolutely bare-minimum ship that barely flies and contains absolutely nothing but empty cargo space, but at that point... well, what's the point, really? If you are making a bare-minimum build that maximizes jump range, might just as well go for the DBX, if for nothing else because it's cheaper (and thus has a lower rebuy cost).

If you intend to do anything other than just move from one end of the galaxy to the other, scanning planets on the way, then the AspX has more space for whatever you need.

But, ultimately, it's perhaps a matter of preference.
You might get closer to 70ly with the AspX if you make it an absolutely bare-minimum ship that barely flies and contains absolutely nothing but empty cargo space, but at that point... well, what's the point, really?

Nope, not really

This is a fully operational AspX with the minimum tools required for decent exploration, quite solid shields and still jumping 70ly (but it uses the FSDv1 with mass manager)

Similar DBX or Phantom builds will offer a few more ly in jump range, but i still prefer the cockpit view and the SC maneuverability offered by the AspX - and i definitely prefer its sounds over the DBX ones (yeap, i kinda like the ww1 warplane engine sound 😇 )
I have a similar build, yet it only has a jump range of 60 ly. I'll try to compare and investigate what exactly makes that much of a difference. I can't really figure out what exactly can make a whopping 10 ly of difference.

the tech broker 5AFSDv1 will give you 5+ ly to jump range (with mass manager experiments) - incase you're not using it already
the tech broker 5AFSDv1 will give you 5+ ly to jump range (with mass manager experiments) - incase you're not using it already
I'm currently at 65 ly (when fully fueled), so I suppose that's the component that will still make the difference.

But now I'm thinking that if I put that super-FSD in my DBX, that will suddenly jump to 75 ly or the like...
The only ship I have that takes a class 5 FSD and I haven't upgraded to the V1 instead of a standard long range drive is my T7.

Because the T7 is spicy enough to begin with and running the V1 on it just makes it overheat with every jump.
I have a similar build, yet it only has a jump range of 60 ly. I'll try to compare and investigate what exactly makes that much of a difference. I can't really figure out what exactly can make a whopping 10 ly of difference.
I wouldn't worry, mine is only 63LY range but unless you want to get somewhere fast or are skirting the outer regions its not much point having a huge jump range.
I mainly use a 50LY Python or Luga for exploration, but then i dont like to miss systems 😜

The only ship I have that takes a class 5 FSD and I haven't upgraded to the V1 instead of a standard long range drive is my T7.

Because the T7 is spicy enough to begin with and running the V1 on it just makes it overheat with every jump.
Put thermal spread on both power plant and V1 FSD, it works.
It took some doing, but I have finally fully upgraded both of my exploration ships. Although to be fair, the DBX doesn't have a hangar bay, while the AspX does, so their true difference is about 1 LY smaller than shown here. They are fully fueled in these screenshots.



Which one is better? Well, it's up to preference I suppose. The AspX does have more cargo space, though, so it may be more useful in certain situations. Its canopy is also slightly less obstructed, plus there's visibility downwards.

If there's anything positive about the DBX, besides its slightly larger jump range, it's that its insurance cost is significantly lower. Also small landing pad.
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For me, fuel scoop makes significant difference, size 4 vs. 6, for long trips.
Yeah, if you just want to go from A to B as fast as possible, without stopping to scan anything, the size-6 scoop is definitely superb. You can pretty much refuel without slowing down; the very act of traversing to the other side of the star in order to make the next jump, skimming the upper layers of the star, will be enough to fill the tank.

The size-4 scoop is barely not enough for that. You have to slow down quite a bit.
the very act of traversing to the other side of the star in order to make the next jump
If you want to go from A to B as fast as possible, don't traverse to the other side of the star. Steer away from the star immediately in any direction, hit the jump button as soon as the FSD comes online, then point yourself at the next jump target while the FSD charges.
If you want to go from A to B as fast as possible, don't traverse to the other side of the star. Steer away from the star immediately in any direction, hit the jump button as soon as the FSD comes online, then point yourself at the next jump target while the FSD charges.
Sure, if your destination is only a half dozen jumps away. Else be ready to run out of fuel.
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