Patch Notes Update Beta - 1.6 and The Engineers (2.1) incoming

I would like to know One thing Please When will this New (1.6/2.0 Engineers Patch Get to the Live servers for All of us to Play ?????? Also can someone tell me Is this game in beta or finished, because when I purchased this game NOWHERE did it say this game is beta, so why are they not telling you this is a beta game ?????. and Dont tell me this game is finished, Not with this Major update that is adding tones of content to the game and tones more coming in the future.

thank you
Cmdr Damian Firecaster
Starfleet Command / Core Worlds Coalition
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Volunteer Moderator
I would like to know One thing Please When will this New (1.6/2.0 Engineers Patch Get to the Live servers for All of us to Play ?????? Also can someone tell me Is this game in beta or finished, because when I purchased this game NOWHERE did it say this game is beta, so why are they not telling you this is a beta game ?????. and Dont tell me this game is finished, Not with this Major update that is adding tones of content to the game and tones more coming in the future.

thank you
Cmdr Damian Firecaster
Starfleet Command / Core Worlds Coalition

Hello Commander. There is no exact release date for patch 1.6/2.1 yet, but it's expected to drop sometime in June if I remember correctly.

Elite is a huge project planned for 10 years in total. The game will never be "finished" until that 10 year plan is done. This is the model that many MMO games use - the new content is being added continuously throughout the game's lifetime. It's as finished, as it can be at this moment in time.

Elite is divided into Seasons - each Season being roughly 1 year. You will need to pay for access to each new Season and as part of that Season you'll get a few major updates to the game. Alongside with that, all the players that don't own that Season will also get updates, fixes etc. You don't have to buy all the Seasons if you don't want to and in that respect Elite is a finished and complete game.

All that comes in with 2.1 update is part of "Horizons" Season and we'll also get 2.2, 2.3 and so on. The people that don't own "Horizons" Season will get all that comes with 1.6 update and - most probably 1.7, 1.8 and so on (bear in mind 1.7 etc. were not announced yet!).

So updates 2.x refer to Season 2 (Horizons) and 1.x refer to Season 1 (base game Elite: Dangerous).

Hope this helps.
so why are they not telling you this is a beta game ?????
The game went live over a year ago... The beta being discussed is the beta testing of 2.1 (2.0 is Live at the moment), which - as you seemingly know - has loads of new content, hence FD wanting it tested before it going live.

and Dont tell me this game is finished
It's a finished game. But new content is still being added (see below)...

Not with this Major update that is adding tones of content to the game and tones more coming in the future.
The delivery model is "seasons". You buy into a season and then get the game, any/all updates during that season. So someone buying it now, would get 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 over the course of a year or so... Sounds a reasonable deal to me.

Now if you wish to question specific content/mechanics and the depth & completeness, that's another matter...
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Dont tell me this game is finished, Not with this Major update that is adding tones of content to the game and tones more coming in the future.

You sir have won today's award for "funniest comment of the internet".

Don't tell me the city of London is finished, not when there's major property development adding tones of new buildings and tones more coming in the future.

I would like to know One thing Please When will this New (1.6/2.0 Engineers Patch Get to the Live servers for All of us to Play ?????? Also can someone tell me Is this game in beta or finished, because when I purchased this game NOWHERE did it say this game is beta, so why are they not telling you this is a beta game ?????. and Dont tell me this game is finished, Not with this Major update that is adding tones of content to the game and tones more coming in the future.

thank you
Cmdr Damian Firecaster
Starfleet Command / Core Worlds Coalition

1.5, and 2.0 (for season 2 owners) are finished. 1.6, and 2.1 are in Beta.

Many, many games are released then have both free and paid content add-ons. In this case, ~7 years of add-ons. I'm glad that's the case, because if Frontier waited until *everything from every season* was added into the game before it was released, the project would have been infeasible and we wouldn't be playing it now.
Really? Making NPC craft even more dangerous? I'm sick and tired of spending hundreds of hours in deep space, amassing hundreds of systems, only to be immediately interdicted and destroyed in the first system I find with a dock. It makes me consider quitting the game.
[...]I'm sick and tired of spending hundreds of hours in deep space, [...]to be immediately interdicted and destroyed in the first system I find with a dock.[...]

Have you tried dropping into a "Salvageable wreckage" POI on the way back in to pick up a few tons of cargo ? Dumping it usually placates NPC pirates.

Also, I think there's a player group somewhere that will escort in returning explorers, might be worth looking them up?
Hello Commander. There is no exact release date for patch 1.6/2.1 yet, but it's expected to drop sometime in June if I remember correctly.

Elite is a huge project planned for 10 years in total. The game will never be "finished" until that 10 year plan is done. This is the model that many MMO games use - the new content is being added continuously throughout the game's lifetime. It's as finished, as it can be at this moment in time.

Elite is divided into Seasons - each Season being roughly 1 year. You will need to pay for access to each new Season and as part of that Season you'll get a few major updates to the game. Alongside with that, all the players that don't own that Season will also get updates, fixes etc. You don't have to buy all the Seasons if you don't want to and in that respect Elite is a finished and complete game.

All that comes in with 2.1 update is part of "Horizons" Season and we'll also get 2.2, 2.3 and so on. The people that don't own "Horizons" Season will get all that comes with 1.6 update and - most probably 1.7, 1.8 and so on (bear in mind 1.7 etc. were not announced yet!).

So updates 2.x refer to Season 2 (Horizons) and 1.x refer to Season 1 (base game Elite: Dangerous).

Hope this helps.

By my calculation season 3 won't be out before june 2018

horizons: december 2015
2.1 : june 2016
2.2 : december 2016
2.3 : June 2017
2.4 : December 2017
Season 3 : June 2018

(this is a facetious post lamenting how long it's taking to release 2.1...but seriously though at this point i'd like to be given a timeline when we can expect the other season 2 updates to release because it sure as hell doesn't look like season 3 is gonna make december 2016, i SUPPOSE there's nowhere where it said a season was a year, but i feel that would be reasonable to expect)
By my calculation season 3 won't be out before june 2018

horizons: december 2015
2.1 : june 2016
2.2 : december 2016
2.3 : June 2017
2.4 : December 2017
Season 3 : June 2018

(this is a facetious post lamenting how long it's taking to release 2.1...but seriously though at this point i'd like to be given a timeline when we can expect the other season 2 updates to release because it sure as hell doesn't look like season 3 is gonna make december 2016, i SUPPOSE there's nowhere where it said a season was a year, but i feel that would be reasonable to expect)

I'll be very surprised if that's the case... FD will surely want S3 along in a fairly prompt time to kickstart sales... I suspect you're a year late (at least?) with that...
I'll be very surprised if that's the case... FD will surely want S3 along in a fairly prompt time to kickstart sales... I suspect you're a year late (at least?) with that...

Don't forget that the first release of Season 3 could coincide with the last point release of Season 2 also, as was the case with the launch of Horizons alongside 1.5 of Season 1.

Will be interesting to see if Frontier maintain additions specifically for Horizons season holders (2.x releases) alongside main game owners (1.x releases) when focusing on the next season (3.x releases).
Don't forget that the first release of Season 3 could coincide with the last point release of Season 2 also, as was the case with the launch of Horizons alongside 1.5 of Season 1.

Will be interesting to see if Frontier maintain additions specifically for Horizons season holders (2.x releases) alongside main game owners (1.x releases) when focusing on the next season (3.x releases).

Yerp... Hence me thinking it being 2yrs off is rather unlikely... And a year off being more likely...
By my calculation season 3 won't be out before june 2018

horizons: december 2015
2.1 : june 2016
2.2 : december 2016
2.3 : June 2017
2.4 : December 2017
Season 3 : June 2018

(this is a facetious post lamenting how long it's taking to release 2.1...but seriously though at this point i'd like to be given a timeline when we can expect the other season 2 updates to release because it sure as hell doesn't look like season 3 is gonna make december 2016, i SUPPOSE there's nowhere where it said a season was a year, but i feel that would be reasonable to expect)

Just because it was 6 months between 2.0 and 2.1 doesn't mean it'll be the same for the others. I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that 2.1 took a lot of work and looking at the expected contents of 2.2 and 2.3 I don't think they will require as much work. Plus they will have had people working on those updates for several months already. We already know they have people working on seasons 3 and 4 (source David Braben) so if necessary they can re-assign tasks as needed to fit priorities.

There's still a reasonable chance we'll see 2.4 and 3.0 in December (especially after David Braben's "Winter is coming" comment).
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I'm flying an Adder. I have an SRV, so that means I have no cargo space. And since Salvageable Wreckage, as I understand it, is illegal cargo anyway, I do NOT want to invite trouble by carrying it around. I just don't see the point of NPC ships anyway. I try to avoid seeing ANYONE, NPC or real people. I'm not playing this game to be social. Or competitive. I just want to earn enough credits to get an Asp Explorer, outfit it for the long haul, and disappear into the night, logging systems.

- Prevent dropping at wing beacons inside asteroids
- Feedback is now given to the player if they send a wing invite to a player already in a wing
- Always show wing commander names above their ships, regardless of them being targeted or not
- Fix when issuing trade dividend vouchers to wing members
- Fix for for a wing member showing as destroyed briefly when they transition to/from supercruise
Very happy about those changes, appreciate it!
that is nice the beta is coming but can we talk about Release Version and stop talking about beta, When will the Release version be out and on the game servers ??? calling it beta is very confusing, you have two sets of servers, beta servers and Live game servers, so Please let us know when this patch is ready for the Release to the Live game servers.

thank you
Cmdr Damian Firecaster
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Volunteer Moderator
that is nice the beta is coming but can we talk about Release Version and stop talking about beta, When will the Release version be out and on the game servers ??? calling it beta is very confusing, you have two sets of servers, beta servers and Live game servers, so Please let us know when this patch is ready for the Release to the Live game servers.

thank you
Cmdr Damian Firecaster

It's already been announced. 1.6/2.1 will hit Live servers on 26th May (tomorrow). The exact time is unknown.
that is nice the beta is coming but can we talk about Release Version and stop talking about beta, When will the Release version be out and on the game servers ??? calling it beta is very confusing, you have two sets of servers, beta servers and Live game servers, so Please let us know when this patch is ready for the Release to the Live game servers.

Official announcement on the Community site was here:

And was announced in Newsletter 125.
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