Now 2.01 - reset all setting on the graphics card in Win & Game options - all set to low or off - still cannot read the text correctly - colours are badly mixed - a dull brown very poor on GUI menu - and very washed out - wavy effect causes this to be difficult to read, once out of the station looking from cockpit still seems foggy and not sharp.
Very quickly dropped from the server a few times with no log in option active, restarting.
I do not know if it the rose tinted washed out color - but not yet able to judge GUI change - the only thing that looked OK was commodity screen, which does not seem to have changed.
Graphics info Name G2420HDBL on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
Current Resolution 1920x1080 pixels
Work Resolution 1920x1018 pixels
State Enabled, Primary
Monitor Width 1920
Monitor Height 1080
Monitor BPP 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Frequency 60 Hz
Version 4.4.0 NVIDIA 344.11
Vendor NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer GeForce GTX 770/PCIe/SSE2
GLU Version Microsoft Corporation