Better navigation / map whilst driving planetary vehicle

Doing the latest CG: Ram Tah's Last Hurrah, I found it very difficult & disorienting whilst trying to navigate myself around the guardian ruins. I know where I wanted to go but it's hard to visualize that from the buggy cockpit. The only points of reference I had were the ship, and some pillars that were activated which then became white dots on the radar. So much so that I only found 4 artifacts then gave up and went to do something else.

Driving the buggy would be much more enjoyable if we had a better frame of reference. A compass would be a good start. A mini-map with programmable waypoints would be nice. An arrow (not a dot) on the map indicating the buggy position and direction.

How about we can launch a drone from the buggy which gives us a satellite view, with some basic stuff on there, like the ship, rough terrain features, energy sources, and way points?
There is a compass. It's the thing that spins around and gives you a heading from 0-360. A mini-map would be great but for the moment zoom your scanner out until it shows you as a speck on the landscape.
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