Beyond Ch.1 - NOTORIETY & Superpower bounties - Some explanations required

First of all: great work! I like the new c&p system very much and I hope this will bring more people to Open Play now that criminals will face unavoidable consequences for their behaviour.

I have some questions about the Notoriety, I heard what Sandy had to say about that on the live stream but I think there are still questions about that.

Assuming that it might be too early to talk about numbers (NUMBERS! :p ), like how the Notoriety works (if there are levels of notoriety and how many kills you have to do to gain these levels, if there's a cap or anything else to notoriety) and how it effectively affects the fraction of the rebuys costs added to the bounty, I'd like still some things to be clarified.

- Is Notoriety a single characteristic common to every faction or is it someway unique for every faction and/or Superpower?
- It's been said that Notoriety will be buffed up by murders: is it any kind of murder, even the legit kills, like bounty hunting, conflict zones, et cetera?
- Do Powerplay murders affect notoriety?
- Do murders in anarchy/lawless systems affect notoriety?

About Superpower bounties:
- once they are active, do they replace the different bounties from the different minor factions of that Superpower or is it something different, a totally different kind of bounty?
- and if this is the case: if I keep perpetrating crimes in that Superpower space, do I recieve a bounty from the Superpower only or from the minor faction too?

Thanks a lot for the answers, I really hope some people in FDev will read this and will answer.
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