Binds File Library

I’m in the process of rebuilding my Virpil Control Binds for CM3 Throttle and Constellation Alpha (R)
Utilising Virpil Native Config (no splitting nor vJoy etc) it’s actually quite a daunting task. This enables me to use the new 124 Button Limit….thanks FD 👍

Anyways, would be interesting to see completed Binds files utilising the new update and releasing the button lockdown from 32 buttons. Using the most excellent EDRefCard I’d print out and have a look, stealing the best ideas for my WIP.

This would be an excellent opportunity for experienced Pilots to plonk their Control Sets online for posterity. Could be a library of Native/vJoy + JoystickGremlin into the bargain.

if EDRefCard would number the buttons on the Constellation Stick Printout as they already do for the CM3 Throttle, then anomalies, oopses and debugging would be sorted quick time.

Library would eventually build with Binds files for just about every possible H.O.T.A.S. combination available.

Just a thought…..the Community are helpful souls in most things.
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