Newcomer / Intro Bitter veteran looking for new ganking hotspot

I'm bitter and vindictive about this game for honestly no real reason but I still want to gank new players because it's one of the only things that give my shriveled heart any joy. I just swung by Eravate and there was no one there. Where do all the lowbies hang out now?
I'd probably lose. I'm not claiming to be good at PvP, at least not anymore, and I play once every year anyway.
So you are looking for seal clubbing newbies? Clear save your game starting with a Sidewinder to get to the beginners systems. Then again maybe take on griefers hanging out at engineer planets or Power Play systems with pilots collecting propaganda materials after every Thursday update. Lots of targets to take out. Then again I might be bored and decide to take you out. You are looking for a challenge? Enjoy the game.
Dont listen to the haters, mate.

There are plenty of systems you can hone your PvP skills now Adle's Armada rationale for existence has been destroyed by Frontier with their introduction of starter systems, I have no problem helping you club em seals.

First thing to look at is INARA. It will show the systems with the highest number of player attacks. That is always a good indication of where the hot action is, and sometimes there are weird things and conflicts in places you would not expect.

That is a good place to go for PvP and plenty ENO in Shinrarta and noobs who come to Deciat for their first engineering.

CG systems are good, many traders etc.

Problem you will always get is anywhere there are seals, sharks will gather, and sharks will fight each other too. Know your weight limit. Survive and Evade. Eat the smaller fish. Dont get eaten.

Signing off,

CMDR Gavin786

P.S. Might be nice if you recorded then uploaded the footage to this thread later so we can all enjoy the salt.

Deleted member 38366

I guess the best indicator for Gank Hotspots is the public INARA Table (Security Report) :

That's where the Action is and it seems very reliable to go by.
I'm bitter and vindictive about this game for honestly no real reason but I still want to gank new players because it's one of the only things that give my shriveled heart any joy. I just swung by Eravate and there was no one there. Where do all the lowbies hang out now?

Seriously? Is this real? Jeez, Does it make you feel like a "Big Boy" to bully the kids?

This is why we cant have nice things!

Go find a decent battle out there, its a pretty big game, and there are always loads of guys/cmdr's on this forum claiming to be PVP kings/Gods...

So tell me this, why don't you and your buddy's, the gankers/griefer's not like blowing one another up instead?

(I'm not including pirates because they are actually playing for a purpose, other than just other cmdrs salt)

Legit question?

With the ships these guys run, it would be a sight to behold....

But alas, that will never happen as finding an adversary who can pop them just as quick isn't fun.....

Hmmm, Kinda Ironic really, I need to go where no ganker has(is) gone before(now).... Is that it?

But yeah, as so eloquently put above, Sad....

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Joy to all the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me.
🐟 🦀 🐠 🦈 🐋

There is always a bigger fish.

Time to take a moment to really appreciate the Gankers out there and lets have some gratitude.

They clean the ocean of the smaller, weaker fish, strengthening the whole, forcing everyone to get better. They provide an imperative critical role in the game ecology.

Lets make October 21 : Ganker Appreciation Day.

Lots of love to all our Gankers out there, keep up the great work.

Joy to all the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me.
🐟 🦀 🐠 🦈 🐋

There is always a bigger fish.

Time to take a moment to really appreciate the Gankers out there and lets have some gratitude.

They clean the ocean of the smaller, weaker fish, strengthening the whole, forcing everyone to get better. They provide an imperative critical role in the game ecology.

Lets make October 21 : Ganker Appreciation Day.

Lots of love to all our Gankers out there, keep up the great work.

Get better....... Ok, we get it...

(Most of your friends I just block, after I destroy them, of course...)

..Then i get on playing in open with all the other normal people....

My point still stands..

You spend most of time bullying other players in a video game...

Grow up...
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