Blatteum Collared Pods?

Did a small evening trip to unlock Prof. Palin. At the destination star (5245 ly in 67 min!), I found a bunch of Blatteum Collared Pods. Are they the same as the "Blattinus Collared Pod" described at the Wiki?


Edit: Trying to push them around (had nothing to feed them), my shield went offline and I took minor damage? That doesn't happen when I push asteroids?
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Back at Jameson Memorial I can see them confirmed in the Codex. Originally discovered in 3304.

(10.400 ly in under 3 hours including fooling around with them aliens, and a stop at Hillary to fix the dents ;))


They are at Trifid Sector BQ-Y D244

Next time I'll bring some fish, and some limpets.

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