The main thing for me personally is any lack of tie-in to the lore and the in game story. Just the dry "here's your bonus weekend, go and play". I am not complaining at the event itself - it's GREAT that we can get increased payouts for trading and use lower grade mats for engineering.
Instead of the forum post and the email titled "Bonus Weekend", I would much more prefer to see an in-game message in my inbox saying something like "Hello Commander. Due to the increased presence of the Thargoids in human systems, the governments of Federation, Alliance and Empire issued a joint initiative and decided to double the payments for any trade transaction done in their systems. Additionally all the Engineers agreed to take 1-grade lower materials for the module upgrades and instead use their own stock of correct materials to install your upgrades. Hopefully these efforts will help the galactic community to prepare better for the alien threat that is growing in our systems. For humanity!"
I made this message here on the spot, I'm sure FDEV writers could come up with something better and more believable than my sorry story above.
This is the part I am disappointed at, not the event and the increased payments themselves - because like I've said, I'm all up for double profits and easier engineering. And yes, you can laugh all you want that "my immershun", but my immershun is why I play games. If Frontier just put a little bit more effort to it, everyone would be happy - both the players that Elite is "just a game" for and the ones that treat this as something more than "just a game".
Instead they went for the easiest and laziest possible option - here's a bonus, SLAP!, now go and play our game.
I just have feeling that Elite becomes more and more "just a game" for the developers that used to have a lot of passion for it. It's just sad for me to have the impression that the passion is burning out slowly in the FDEV offices. It may be just that - an impression, but it's there regardless
Especially after all the "narrative focus" that was supposed to happen.
I totally agree on everything you say, Cmdr.