Borann boys

For everyone that was chatting in borann for past few days and was doing some ltd mining on side, let me remind You that recent ltd minefest will not contribute to your balance in beta.

Stay positive and dont be suprised. Also if missing few bucks, remember, you can always sell your stuff. No nees to have all 50 ships just for beta.
That was the same in previous beta. Actually, back then, snapahot was taken before announcement i think. Actualy I was hoping that devs will realize quite few ppl went grinding for beta. Anyway, it didnt go all in vain, You will get to test FC 1 month later, during 2nd beta.
LOL - So I won't be buying one for Beta.
Do you think that will demotivate your participation in the beta? Be honest. There's no wrong answer.

As for me, If the snapshot was today I'd have enough without selling ships, but I'll probably have to sell all my biggest ships.
My console accounts are nowhere near being able to afford a FC. I wonder how man console players will have enough actually.
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Do you think that will demotivate your participation in the beta? Be honest. There's no wrong answer.

As for me, If the snapshot was today I'd have enough without selling ships, but I'll probably have to sell all my biggest ships.
My console accounts are nowhere near being able to afford a FC. I wonder how man console players will have enough actually.
Same. Not sure I'd even have enough even then. I don't know what I had in the bank on the 26th but I only reached 5b yesterday. So it will be between 2 and 5.
Same. Not sure I'd even have enough even then. I don't know what I had in the bank on the 26th but I only reached 5b yesterday. So it will be between 2 and 5.
Download eddiscovery to find out (use ledger addon) + contribute to market connector data. No need to give password or anything
Yeah its usually a few weeks old. I found it more of a problem going back to the live game after beta in the past, logging in going 'what was I doing out HERE?'

90's boy band, surely!

Now all I can sing is "Venga Boys" with alternative lyrics. Thanks!
I wonder how long this thriple spot will stay, will the introduction of this new material for carriers cause a regen.

Let's wait and see
Yeah I know, to add the new material I'm expecting all rocks to be reset.

It's only core mining which depletes for 2 or 3 days, then they reset.

To add the new material, will they perform a procedure generate to add, will this reposition the hotspots.

They may not, it was just a thought
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The sheer size of this hotspot, Its not getting depleted

Laser mining doesn't deplete hotspots - Core mining does.

Also I think they may have been referring to Fdev sneaking in a fix for overlaps into the introduction of tritium hotspots.
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