Elite / Frontier Braben September Interview

kestrel pilot said:
I searched and hadn't seen anyone else post a link to this, all the same this may be old information to you guys, but I found it interesting, if no more informative than anything else Frontier/Braben have said in the last few years. It's simply more recent...


Nice find - interesting interview. I'd have to dissagree on one point tho (to David), kittens are way cooler than puppies. :D
puppies ftw.

Good link tho ;) Can't help feeling that the mods should be letting us know where the interviews and info titbits are going to crop up....
Kipper said:
puppies ftw.

Good link tho ;) Can't help feeling that the mods should be letting us know where the interviews and info titbits are going to crop up....

Yeah - agreed - it's all good stuff, and it would be nice to not have to search for it...
David B said:
Yes - We'll try to put links up here. Speaking of which there are a load to do with the Game On Exhibition at the Science Museum (Elite is there on the NES).

Here's one from The Telegraph.


Brilliant - the wonders for plastics - that Computer Space image is golden :) Some things never change; even back then they were trying to glamorize games with 'hot women' except now they aren't in their sleeping attire!

...imagine having that yellow monster in the corner of your living room :D
Braben, 42? That means you were 20 when Elite was released!
Jeez, I was still drinking cider and chasing women at 20....
Steve said:
Braben, 42? That means you were 20 when Elite was released!
Jeez, I was still drinking cider and chasing women at 20....

thing is, you're still doing that, while DB's an international superstar playboy ;P

From that link: "...this summer Square sold half a million copies of a handheld version of Final Fantasy III, a 16-year-old game tarted up with some 3-D graphics, in just five days."

...<cough cough ahem>...

Who's thinking what i'm thinking... There's what, 100-odd textures in FFE, a revamp would easilly sell 1 mil + at 20 quid a throw... that's like £200k per texture... PLUS the slavish adoration of half the civilised world... i mean think about the cars, the women... am i missing something?
Bounder said:
thing is, you're still doing that, while DB's an international superstar playboy ;P

From that link: "...this summer Square sold half a million copies of a handheld version of Final Fantasy III, a 16-year-old game tarted up with some 3-D graphics, in just five days."

...<cough cough ahem>...

Who's thinking what i'm thinking... There's what, 100-odd textures in FFE, a revamp would easilly sell 1 mil + at 20 quid a throw... that's like £200k per texture... PLUS the slavish adoration of half the civilised world... i mean think about the cars, the women... am i missing something?

LOL I like your way of thinking :D I'd certainly pick it up.
Bounder said:
thing is, you're still doing that, while DB's an international superstar playboy ;P

It's more beer than cider these days and as for chasing women... well, as long as the missus doesn't find out ;)
Hookers in Elite???

The Telegraph article David mentions calls GTA "Elite-in-a-city" with "a few more hookers". Funny, but I don't remember any hookers in Elite. Edible poets, yes; hookers, no ;) Maybe the triple-breasted w**** of Eroticon six was out there somewhere (no, damn, wrong virtual universe....:eek: )
Yet another thing to look forward to in Elite 4?
I also dont remember buying and selling cargo in the GTA games (unless it was added in an expansion I dont have ;))

I think games wise the term 'elite' now just refers to a type of game that is open ended and the player can do what they like. Since that was also the biggest 'thing' about the original.
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