BREAKING NEWS...Now with even more Jedward

The story so far:

Far back in the mists of time the Thread 'Breaking News was created by the ever resourceful Commander The Sisko as a substitute (possibly) for the non-appearance of fresh news from GalNet.

After a brief foray into the world of fun Elite-themed newspapers and 'associated press', the thread quickly dissolved and indeed devolved into a plaything for the imaginative and/or lunatic, and much fun has been had by all.

GalNet remains obstinately persistent in it's continued absence, however with the growth of interest in 'Breaking News', this is seemingly no longer much of a problem.

In a chance detour, forum moderators 'hacked' (hi-hacked? hi-jacked?) the thread, renaming it on multiple occasions, as if on a mere whim. Or maybe because of incitement from the Forumistas. SirTJ, apparently blameless and/or above blame (or possibly just keeping his head down) denied all knowledge of this chicanery but in a surprise move attracted blame by refusing to apportion any, contenting himself with an acknowledgment that he is aware of the names of the blameworthy who shall remain nameless.
And blameworthy.

Meanwhile PowerPlaying PowerPlay players (who may in fact number only one) attempted their own coup d'etat for their (his) own nefarious ends but thus far has had few takers. Or none. However onlookers appear happy with the spectacle - there may be incitement going on here too. Possibly also spectacles, monacles, binoculars, and pince-nez.

The thread remains largely on course provided the viewer has an odd sense of humour, some humorous sense, and a penchant for wildly inaccurate assertions or images of Aisling Duval. Preferably both.

Wildly inaccurate assertions aside, the thread continues unabated.

Long may it continue.
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