Community Event / Creation Buckyball Racing Club presents: The Last Gasp (06.01.3304 - 14.01.3304)

With apologies to Stinja for not allowing him to savour the view from the number 1 spot for more than a couple of hours, you'll forgive me if I make another scoreboard update since I'm keen to show some movement on the board in the hope of a) bumping the thread and b) getting casual visitors to this race excited about the competition and psyched about the idea of taking a shot at it themselves.

So, without further ado ..


.. Cmdr Aken B, not content to hold the number 1 spot for the Hauler, has now pushed his DBX the "Bucket of Bolts" to its very limits and taken the number 1 spot in the Unlimited class as well. Visiting more outposts than even Delia Grind would have believed possible (I'm withholding exactly how many until the end), and claiming another blue "Very Last Gasp" trophy (although in this case it ought to be some kind of chromed "Beyond The Very Last Gasp" trophy, an eventuality I foolishly hadn't considered) by finishing with ZERO Oxygen remaining, his total distance travelled is a lung busting 1615.25lys!

Well, if you want to buff out the scoreboard, you can put me down for a DNF on 1245.13 ly in open unlimited. I mean, after all, I made it back to LHS 142 - just not quite to Vo Dock, and I didn't get a screenshot of my exploding Hauler.

Probably do a scouting run for my new course this evening (why are there no 80% mass reduction engineers for the ADS?).

Oh, and anyone got a video about how to do a proper gravity brake maneuver for an outpost that is orbiting less than half a diameter over a low g planetlet?
For the gravity braking manoeuvre, I would suggest finding a video from 'Tunnel Vision' as I remember one or two of the installations on the course being in a very close orbit of their host planet. That said, if it's a really small moon, then try using another moon on approach to help slow you down.
Although I'm making good progress in my expedition, there's no chance I'll be able to take part in this race and only a slim chance I'll be able to make the next race as well but I ought to be back in good time for the race at the end of February. Good luck everyone!
Quick question: does the oxygen timer continue to count down during hyperspace?
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Which usually makes jumps to new systems more efficient than visiting multiple stations in the same system. Plus, it's faster to get out of the star's gravity well than out of a planet's.


So ... a) am somewhat hammered (who knew Delia could drink like a fish)? b) having discussed this at length with workmates who don't even play Elite ..


Q) Alec, is it wise to change the rules mid race when you,ve ben drinking?
A) Yes

I will now be taking your remaining O2 time pe-Vo Dock dock (what's up doc?) and granting an additional 1ly per every 2 seconds remaining and adding this to youre score. This means, if you take off, turn around an dock again, in zero time, you can score 25 x 60 x 0.5 = 750ly for doing fack all! (i will round down half seconds)

I'l readjust tge scoreboard tomorrow (soz Aken, your remainjng times earn you ... fack all).

Reason - so it's worth re-running the same route, but faster!

Cool huh?

Err ... yeah, I think that's it .. will re-read .. (spends 10 min's talking to homeless guy at Euston about Russel Brand) ... tomorrow. I reserve rite to change my mind if thus seems like nonsensne.

in charcter font (can't rememebr font) ... "hello? Bump? ... this line is terrible, can barely hear you ... who's this muppet you've got in charge of this thing?"

"Delia? Is that you? He's bona fide ... long time Buckyballer ... I'm sure it will be fine"

Fly Fast!
I will now be taking your remaining O2 time pe-Vo Dock dock (what's up doc?) and granting an additional 1ly per every 2 seconds remaining and adding this to youre score.

OK I'm a n00b and this makes no sense have you been drinking?

As an aside, I've "completed" a Regulation Hauler run, I took off from Vo Dock, re-docked with 25 mins still remaining. So 750 "Ly" for my regulation score :D Do you need a screen shot? I think i'm second place now - oh yeah!
OK I'm a n00b and this makes no sense have you been drinking?

Sobering up on homeward bound train so let me try to explain. Basically it occured to me that, unlike with any other Buckyball Race, in this one there was no reason to try running the same route again once you'd succesfully completed your chosen route. All you can do is try to find a longer route and see if you can complete that one. Nothing inherently wrong with that but ... by allowing your remaining O2 time to add a small bonus to you score ... hey presto, restoration of the classic Buckyball modus operandi of re-running your course to try and shave a few seconds off your time (aka add a few secs x 0.5 x ly to your score).

Still pretty frazzled but I think that makes some sense ... doesn't it?

P.S. yes
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Bleurgh ... hangovers eh? [knocked out]

Anyhoo, this morning we have a new entry from Cmdr <-lightspeed-> (who's name not only causes havoc in-game but has also broken my spreadsheet so apologies for omitting your hyphens). Flying his "Acieed" DBX around N stations and getting back with a solid 2m38s of O2 to spare, under the new rules he gains a bonus distance of 79ly to drop into 2nd place with a total distance of 1466.83ly. Nice flying!


Note: I've also updated Stinja's score by adding a bonus of 52ly (despite it making "no sense") ;)

Edit: I've also now updated the Rules section of the OP with a description of the new "Bonus distance" feature as well as adding an FAQ to cover the wisdom of making this change. :D
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(soz Aken, your remainjng times earn you ... fack all).

You may not have knew at the moment, but with that you just gave a loose yet very accurate description of how my life is going in general. [yesnod]

Anyway I like the change, it doesn't give enough advantage to make saving oxygen more convenient than attempting dockings, but just enough to push pilots to improve on already established routes. I would never have thought of that...nice to know that a hammered Mr. Alec can produce better reasonings than a perfectly sober Mr. me! :p
Afternoon scoreboard for day #6 of the event and we have two updates in the Regulation Hauler class (new times now highlighted in white).


First up we welcome Penny Umbra to the world of Buckyball Racing who's Gasped her way across 766.12ly of space in a Hauler called "In For A Penny", making it back with 1m54s of O2 remaining for a final score of 823.12ly. Congratulations, you just completed your first Buckyball Race!

Then we have, surprise surprise, AkenBosch again who's making damn sure he can establish as much of a lead as possible before cookiehole rocks up on Sunday evening. Bucking his usual trend he actually finished with some air left in "Lemon To A Gunfight" this time, completing a 1044ly circuit with 1m45s remaining. The 52.5ly bonus cements his pole position with a final score of 1096.5ly.

o7 commanders!
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And I just wanted to ask here if anyone knows a CMDR Mrdragonraar, after I've seen you twice in LHS 142 :). Welcome.

DBXs? Well, they're only the ships with the largest jump range. Apart from that, nothing to recommend them :p.


Edit: just noticed I forgot something (after finally reading the full intro text :rolleyes:):

If I had only 25 minutes left to live I would... run like hell.

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And I just wanted to ask here if anyone knows a CMDR Mrdragonraar, after I've seen you twice in LHS 142 :). Welcome.

Cheers. It's been ages. Last race was Tunnel Vision. Send a request next time you see me.

DBXs? Well, they're only the ships with the largest jump range. Apart from that, nothing to recommend them :p.

I really have missed something then. When did it overtake the Asp?

I'll struggle to let go of my Asp if that is the case :(

EDIT: Just checked coriolis and i'm suitably upset :(
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Cheers. It's been ages. Last race was Tunnel Vision. Send a request next time you see me.

I really have missed something then. When did it overtake the Asp?

I'll struggle to let go of my Asp if that is the case :(

A couple of patches ago. Don't worry, the Asp & Anaconda are still better for long distance travel since they can mount a much bigger fuel scoop than the DBX... at some point quick refuels matter more than a couple extra LY of jump range.

following what i can only describe as 'my best ever Bucky run' (landings nailed- check. litho braking A1 - check. good fuel management - check. effiecient route plan - check) a dangerous state of hubris has descended and i'll leave this here


I'm sure it's soon to be regretted, we all know middle of the leaderboard is where i live!

fly hypoxic!
In order to add an (admittedly small) incentive to try and re-run your route faster (in classic Buckyball tradition) you will get 1 bonus ly added to your total distance for every 2 seconds of O2 remaining in your penultimate Vo Dock mailslot screenshot. This does mean of course that you could simply take off, turn around and fly straight back in again to achieve a score of 750ly but no self respecting Buckyballer would ever do such a thing ... would they?

Respect? Pffffttt :D


CMDR = Stinja
race class = Regulation Hauler
ship = Hauler
24:38 O2 left :cool:
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