Building Piece Suggestions

I LOVE the creativity that planet zoo provides, but sometimes it can be a pain. Especially when you are working with pieces from the older DLCs, it's very limiting.

First of all, I think there should be a gridded half wall. There is a piece that makes an L shape, which I love using. However, I can only use it if it is on the ground. If I try to use it on say a bridge or anything like that, the lower half sticks out, and then I have to either figure out a way to replace it or create something else down there, which may completely throw off the build. Even if it's not gridded and it's like some of the pieces, such as the stained wood walls, where they have non-gridded panels that you can use and manipulate, that would be great. I just feel that a lot of the older DLCs and original content have been forgotten and left behind. A lot of those pieces are awesome! But they have reaped the benefits of the new ideas as the newer DLCs have.

For underwater viewing habitats, I think it would be really cool to have the ability to curve the top of the barrier so it goes inward, or could even connect in the center to make a dome. That would completely change underwater viewing areas, especially with the new diving mechanics that the animals have.

Also, I wish we had smaller detail pieces. It makes it difficult to add those nice details and finishing pieces when you are very limited on what you have to do them with.

The non-gridded plain glass pieces, is there a way where we don't get that line in between them? I know I could just cover it, but sometimes I want a big wall of glass for viewing but it's in that in-between size and nothing fits. would be nice if we could just have those pieces just stack together without the line. maybe make it so that when they are overlapping the game registers the line to disappear?

I love PZ and have spent a lot of time on this. I love the community it has created and cherish the ability to play this game to the fullest extent! I just think it could be brought to a whole other level with some of these ideas.
I do absolutely agree that we need the Half Walls from the DLCs for all Building Sets. I've built a Enclosure that is sunken into the Ground and has a curved Bamboo Wall covering the Edge and think that the same Design would be absolutely great with Concrete but there is currently no Way to build it (except with way too many Pillars and even then it wouldn't be possible to recolor the Wall)

I don't know if it would be possible to let the Line between connected Glass Panels disappear but it would be great if it would be possible. I also think that the Glass Panels are way too dark. They should look like the Glass Barrier instead of being so dark. If they would be brighter, they would be perfect for Stuff like big Terrariums
Looking at the differences between RCT3 and Planet Coaster. Then seeing exactly how amazing all those Temple pieces are in Planet Zoo.

Not entirely sure we need a grid at all. As long as 90 degree snap, snap to ground, and snap to group height exist then surely no grid is needed at all?
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