Can we get a response to the 100% welfare issue?

I had a look at the issue tracker, and it seems every report on the subject has expired without resolution. I made a new one, but I don't know what good it will do.

The problem in question is of course that turning off animal welfare doesn't actually work. The welfare looks like it's at 100%, but it still diminishes, you still get red alerts, and protestors still come into the zoo.

I understand that hunger/thirst still need to decline in order for the keepers to do their jobs, but the rest is extremely frustrating for creative builders who want to make realistic zoos. I should be able to make a much smaller Komodo dragon exhibit in a reptile house without protestors. I should be able to use temperate foliage in a lion habitat without alerts. I should be able to put a snow leopard in an enclosure without snow (even their natural habitat doesn't have snow all year round!).

I had hoped that turning off welfare would allow for all of this. At the moment, Sandbox is very restricted for those who like mimicking real zoos. I know I'm not the only one complaining about it, it would be nice to know that it's being looked at.
do you have a link to the issue? i will upvote it because i also have this problem since the start, and also 'expired' issues about this :(

it is so annoying when you turn off the wellfare (and thus wellfare is 100%), and still get notifications about starving, dehydration, or other things that let the protesters in..
A fix for this is really needed. I can't play sandbox as sandbox at the moment, because of this. It's just not functional.
And if the keepers need animals to be hungry, I understand, but then just let the hunger drop to 90% and not lower or something.

Chante Goodman

Community Manager
Hey all, quick update for you. In our next update, when you toggle off welfare in Sandbox Mode it will no longer spawn protesters in your zoos. We're finalising the next update now and aim to have it out some time this week.

I know this doesn't address everything you've spoken about in this post. We can continue to look at ways to improve with your feedback. Let us know what you think after the next update comes out and protesters no longer spawn and we'll continue passing along the feedback!
Hey all, quick update for you. In our next update, when you toggle off welfare in Sandbox Mode it will no longer spawn protesters in your zoos. We're finalising the next update now and aim to have it out some time this week.

I know this doesn't address everything you've spoken about in this post. We can continue to look at ways to improve with your feedback. Let us know what you think after the next update comes out and protesters no longer spawn and we'll continue passing along the feedback!
thank you so much chante ! Looking forward to this update! :D
Hey all, quick update for you. In our next update, when you toggle off welfare in Sandbox Mode it will no longer spawn protesters in your zoos. We're finalising the next update now and aim to have it out some time this week.

I know this doesn't address everything you've spoken about in this post. We can continue to look at ways to improve with your feedback. Let us know what you think after the next update comes out and protesters no longer spawn and we'll continue passing along the feedback!

You guys are....

Hey all, quick update for you. In our next update, when you toggle off welfare in Sandbox Mode it will no longer spawn protesters in your zoos. We're finalising the next update now and aim to have it out some time this week.

I know this doesn't address everything you've spoken about in this post. We can continue to look at ways to improve with your feedback. Let us know what you think after the next update comes out and protesters no longer spawn and we'll continue passing along the feedback!
Will this be a bigger update that not only contains bug fixes but also some new stuff?
Hey all, quick update for you. In our next update, when you toggle off welfare in Sandbox Mode it will no longer spawn protesters in your zoos. We're finalising the next update now and aim to have it out some time this week.

I know this doesn't address everything you've spoken about in this post. We can continue to look at ways to improve with your feedback. Let us know what you think after the next update comes out and protesters no longer spawn and we'll continue passing along the feedback!

Well, getting rid of protestors is a good start. Being able to turn off welfare and switch off certain alerts should be enough to achieve what many of us want to achieve - the protestors arriving was the biggest hindrance to it, because it really hurts the vibe of the zoo. Thanks for your response, you guys are great at this.
Hey all. The update to remove protesters if welfare is switched off is now live.
Thank you!! although i have disabled everything, every second i get a popup that an animal is starving/dehydrated, i have 41 animals in this 'testzoo'and already 72 messages about this.

Also i notice that the protesters indeed stay away, but the weird thing is, that the guest complain about the protesters in the zoo?

(i try to upload a picture, but i keep getting an error ("oops we ran into some problems" or something)

Edit: i've made an issue about this:
picture is added there
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Thank you!! although i have disabled everything, every second i get a popup that an animal is starving/dehydrated, i have 41 animals in this 'testzoo'and already 72 messages about this.

Also i notice that the protesters indeed stay away, but the weird thing is, that the guest complain about the protesters in the zoo?

(i try to upload a picture, but i keep getting an error ("oops we ran into some problems" or something)

Edit: i've made an issue about this:
picture is added there

As discussed in this thread and others, starving/dehydration probably still needs to occur so the zookeepers actually have work to do. Are you getting other welfare alerts? Animals getting stressed, or general low-welfare things not specific to food and water?
Starving and dehydraton is unfortunately the only way animals don't feel completly dead in this game (will make a topic on this later, when I have time). If they would had no needs for food and water anymore, they would just stay around dumb. So feeding your animals and giving them something do drink should solve the problem.

If the pic can't be uploaded, its to lareg. Try keeping it under 1MB and it should work.
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