Can't deliver mission items

I got a mission to locate a missing delivery. I got there and I got the stuff, but it wasn't all of it so I started roaming around trying to find a different objective signal and get all of it. After spending way too many hours I managed to get back to a mission objective signal and collect the rest of the stuff.

There was more than I needed, but I got there specifically because of the mission objective. All markers I went to where blue and all items "counted" towards the mission progression.

Now I'm at the starport where I'm supposed to deliver the goods. I can access the depot missions, and press deliver to finish the mission.

Problem is that now that I can FINALLY end this mission, when I press "+" at the delivery location, nothing happens. It won't go up. It won't let me deliver the stuff after all this hell I went through. Is this mission also broken? If I abandon this mission I'll have to pay a 1,000,000cr fine, so I'd rather try something to finish this once and for all and maybe go back to mining because missions are obviously very WIP

It says that there's 0 items in my cargo even though I have 30 more than what I need (I need to deliver 81)... It says that items for the mission are unique, but seeing how I got way more than expected I'm having doubts on whether this is simply broken or if I'm missing something because I'm stupid. I tried to look at the commodities market just for the sake of it, and it says I have 0 tons of the cargo even though my ship is full with it.

I really don't want to abandon this mission unless it's the only option. Other broken missions didn't even let me get to the mission depot. But now that I can I'm not allowed to deliver anything because it says I have nothing. The mission items are in my inventory and marked as such. I just don't know what to do
It would be useful if you could provide screenshots of your mission details (from the LH panel) and your inventory- what exactly are you supposed to be getting - plus is this in Horizons or Oddity.
It would be useful if you could provide screenshots of your mission details (from the LH panel) and your inventory- what exactly are you supposed to be getting - plus is this in Horizons or Oddity.
It's odyssey. Info is there, I'm at the right place with the right amount of the right material taken from the right place. And I gave all relevant info on what happens in the mission delivery screen (Mission depot). There's nothing to see on screenshots that wouldn't be redundant (I already cancelled it anyway)

I just want to know if it's broken or what.
It's odyssey. Info is there, I'm at the right place with the right amount of the right material taken from the right place. And I gave all relevant info on what happens in the mission delivery screen (Mission depot). There's nothing to see on screenshots that wouldn't be redundant (I already cancelled it anyway)

I just want to know if it's broken or what.
Still no idea what you're talking about 🤷‍♀️

Doesn't sound like any of the Odyssey missions.
Still no idea what you're talking about 🤷‍♀️

Doesn't sound like any of the Odyssey missions.
"Locate missing delivery", so I did.
"Deliver it to this station", so I did.
When I'm at the mission depot, I open the delivery screen, click on the mission, and it shows the "+" and "-" to load the stuff into the station, thereby completing the mission.

So I hit "+", and nothing happens. It doesn't help that it says there's "0" cargo in my ship when I had "81" of it.

I seriously don't understand why there could be any confusion about this.
I seriously don't understand why there could be any confusion about this.

.... Probably because none of us recognise a "locate missing delivery" mission so it would have helped to have seen the actual wording, even if just to let us know about this type of mission. Never heard of collecting cargo and it not showing in your inventory either you see. So, sorry we couldn't help.

Good luck (y)
.... Probably because none of us recognise a "locate missing delivery" mission so it would have helped to have seen the actual wording, even if just to let us know about this type of mission. Never heard of collecting cargo and it not showing in your inventory either you see. So, sorry we couldn't help.

Good luck (y)
Mission is literally called "locate missing delivery" but well, thanks for nothing I guess
Gosh how rude - 2 of us bothered to try to politely help and you just dish out that attitude. Good luck getting help in future.
Not gonna happen. I explained everything and I only got replies asking for redundant info and saying that they don't understand. I had low hopes after trying to find help in reddit, but this is even worse. Last time I try to ask for help for this game. If I could delete this I would, but I won't check this page again so who cares
Not gonna happen. I explained everything and I only got replies asking for redundant info and saying that they don't understand. I had low hopes after trying to find help in reddit, but this is even worse. Last time I try to ask for help for this game. If I could delete this I would, but I won't check this page again so who cares

After your rude reply I took the time to search around and found Reddits and an issue tracker about problems not being able to deliver "locate missing delivery" items. So it looks like this is a case of 2 very long-time players of the game never having seen this mission type and so couldn't understand your dilemma. So please yourself.

EDIT: read - not recognising you were meaning a Salvage mission.
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Not familiar with this mission type either.

Seeing that reddit post is one year old...
Could be just another regressed bug? Or was it bugged for the entire year?
Penny finally dropped as to what the OP was on about - it was a Salvage contract. Fair enough the description text does say "we need you to find the missing..."

So I went into Oddity, moseyed around until I found a commercial samples salvage recovery mission and went through it. No problems, found the mission signal source, collected the mission items (yes they showed in my cargo), returned to mission giver, completed mission, collected reward. Note that there is no need to transfer goods (the + and - the OP mentioned) - just click complete mission and select your reward. Screen captures (click to enlarge):










So I don't know what went wrong with the OP's mission, lots didn't compute (items not shown in cargo etc) so must have been a glitch.
(I need to deliver 81)...
So I don't know what went wrong with the OP's mission, lots didn't compute (items not shown in cargo etc) so must have been a glitch.

The part with (i need to deliver 81) does not compute for me.
Salvage missions ask for 3-8 items when allied. Not 81.

Could be that OP is getting confused between 2 different missions: a delivery and a salvage one. 🤷‍♂️
So this time might not even be FDev fault, but somewhere between the kb and the chair.
Checked for the lolz, and oh my god was it worth it. I seriously think that you're doing this on purpose. But oh well, here it goes.

Penny finally dropped as to what the OP was on about - it was a Salvage contract. Fair enough the description text does say "we need you to find the missing..."

Note that there is no need to transfer goods (the + and - the OP mentioned) - just click complete mission and select your reward. Screen captures (click to enlarge):

So I don't know what went wrong with the OP's mission, lots didn't compute (items not shown in cargo etc) so must have been a glitch.
Note that you not having to use the + and - buttons tells you it's not the same type of mission, but for some reason you're incapable of understanding that. Items DID show in the cargo. They didn't show in the DELIVERY SCREEN.

The part with (i need to deliver 81) does not compute for me.
Salvage missions ask for 3-8 items when allied. Not 81.

Could be that OP is getting confused between 2 different missions: a delivery and a salvage one. 🤷‍♂️
Exactly my point. It's not a salvage mission, nor a delivery one. It's a LOCATE THE MISSING DELIVERY.

A ship was carrying a delivery, it exploded for some reason and now the cargo is floating around in space.

I might be rude but you people are very obtuse. Everything you're saying doesn't add up yet that doesn't give you any clues. I just can't lmfao
Checked for the lolz, and oh my god was it worth it. I seriously think that you're doing this on purpose. But oh well, here it goes.

Note that you not having to use the + and - buttons tells you it's not the same type of mission, but for some reason you're incapable of understanding that. Items DID show in the cargo. They didn't show in the DELIVERY SCREEN.

Exactly my point. It's not a salvage mission, nor a delivery one. It's a LOCATE THE MISSING DELIVERY.

A ship was carrying a delivery, it exploded for some reason and now the cargo is floating around in space.

I might be rude but you people are very obtuse. Everything you're saying doesn't add up yet that doesn't give you any clues. I just can't lmfao

Well, I'm sorry but - I have never heard of a mission called "Locate the missing delivery".

If you look in my image 3 above you will see the "Mission" annotation and icon next to the recovered items. So if you didn't see that in your cargo hold then you didn't pick up the right stuff as per the "... It says that items for the mission are unique ... " in your OP.

So as I said, I (and others) have never heard of anything that corresponds to your descriptions. Maybe you can find another one and take screen-shots to illuminate us.*

P.S. I meant that in all seriousness, not a dig or anything else, would be good to know if this is a mission type we have not seen is all.
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If you look in my image 3 above you will see the "Mission" annotation and icon next to the recovered items. So if you didn't see that in your cargo hold then you didn't pick up the right stuff as per the "... It says that items for the mission are unique ... " in your OP.
Thing is, again, they did. I had the right stuff. Got it from the right place. Only wrong thing with this mission was that the delivery screen didn't allow me to press the "+" since it said I had 0 cargo. But in my cargo the stuff was there, with the "mission annotation and icon" next to it, and as soon as I cancelled the mission it turned to "stolen cargo".
You could have cleared that easily with some screenshots.
As been pointed out, this mission type seems odd and unknown to all the people that replied in here. And i'm mostly a mission guy in ED.
Well, I might be the luckiest guy in Elite Dangerous since I get so rare missions, or not so much since they apparently are broken.

As I said, I declined the mission. True, I could have added screenshots, but they would have shown nothing more than what I said here. I literally gave EVERY last piece of information. And that's with one single exception. And yeah, that's on me. I got the mission from a message I randomly got while cruising around. I've gotten a considerable amount of missions via message for the time I've played so excuse me for thinking that it was just one more. I can't go and search for other missions like that since I can't force messages to appear (unless there's a way and I don't know it), but all I can get from this is that these kinds of missions are simply broken, apart from very rare. So it isn't even a real concern since apparently I won't be getting any more like it any time soon.

This was a cluster of a thread but yeah, I don't need someone to verify this with proof. It IS broken. I did everything right and I couldn't deliver the stuff. It all went south because apparently nobody else has ever gotten a mission like this. Which again, that just means I shouldn't worry about it because I won't probably get another mission like that in a very long time, if at all apparently. If that time comes, I'll just reject it and be done with it. I can make an extremely bigger amount of money by trading or mining. I just wanted to know because I like to do dumb little missions for the sake of it, even if they pay like .

If you read my original comment, I only asked a very simple question: Is this mission broken?
But seeing all of this I rather assume it is and move on. I just find it weird to have "so many" people who call themselves "veterans" who have no idea what kind of mission this is; and more so who try to say that I'm confused or something and asking for screenshots when I literally gave all info, since I know how to read and how the game works (apart from the fact it was gotten by message, which I deem irrelevant but I can be wrong about that), I've been playing on and off for years now. I guess that just shows how truly rare it is to get a mission like this, and therefore how pointless it is to worry about it.
Those missions are fairly rare but I have done them in the past, and I think it was also from an inbox message while flying in a system for a while. Recover tens of tonnes of regular cargo (i.e. grain or clothing, rather than black boxes or similar) from a Signal Source and deliver it to a particular station. So on the one hand, you're not alone (Neo, you are not the one! :) ), but on the other I haven't seen one recently so can't help with their current bug-status in Odyysey.

EDIT - It may not be related but I did recently have another regular delivery mission where on delivery clicking on the + / - buttons did nothing, but using the keyboard left/right keys did increase/decrease the amount delivered and allow me to complete it.
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EDIT - It may not be related but I did recently have another regular delivery mission where on delivery clicking on the + / - buttons did nothing, but using the keyboard left/right keys did increase/decrease the amount delivered and allow me to complete it.

This still happens in EDO when buying supplies from Pioneer Stores. Randomly. It may work with the mouse and KB for health packs, but for energy cells suddenly the mouse doesnt work and you have to use the keyboard.
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