Parks Castello - Medieval themed Ride & Park!

Well.. some of us obsessive types find it important.
Guests will stay away from rides they find extreme or boring. Putting your coaster into green stats is the most attractive coaster for the most amount of peeps.

This is actually incorrect---green fear rating should be avoided on all but a few rides dedicated to extremophiles. If you want a ride to be very popular and have the widest possible customer base, it should have a fear between about 3.7 and 3.9, which is less than green. In this way, you attract the more adventurous half of families, all the adults, and and at least the calmer half of teens if not all of them for want of anything scarier. This amounts to about 80% of all potential customers.
I don't think that is necessarily true. I'm not the best mathematician but I think you're missing some logic here, because excitement drops when fear drops below green. When building a rollercoaster I want that excitement stat as high as possible without putting other stats into orange or red. Ultimately, isn't excitement and prestige the most important factor for drawing in crowds? I think there is a reason that we have green stats. Green = go. Maybe your math is right but I'm still shooting for all green stats.
I don't think that is necessarily true. I'm not the best mathematician but I think you're missing some logic here, because excitement drops when fear drops below green. When building a rollercoaster I want that excitement stat as high as possible without putting other stats into orange or red. Ultimately, isn't excitement and prestige the most important factor for drawing in crowds? I think there is a reason that we have green stats. Green = go. Maybe your math is right but I'm still shooting for all green stats.

To avoid side-tracking this thread any more, I'll PM you with how things work in PC. In the meantime, however, check out this thread:
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