[CCN] Introducing the Colonial Marines



Pirates and space scum be warned - the colonists, explorers and miners of the Colonia Nebula have new guardian angels.
On September 22nd, exactly one month after the Colonia Citizens Network was launched, a number of pilots became the first members of the Colonia Militia Forces to earn the prestigious rank of Colonial Marine.

Born out of the Colonia Militia Forces (CMF), the Colonial Marines is a special unit of distinguished pilots who have demonstrated commitment above and beyond the call of duty.

The CMF is a joint task force made up of divisions from many different groups, all committed to defending the Colony. The new rank of Colonial Marine is open to pilots of all divisions and is specific to none. The prestigious unit is the Colony’s first line of defense.

The rank of Colonial Marine is achieved by earning six Militia Merits - awarded for attending joint training exercises and other defense and security activities. Achieving this requires a degree of dedication a step above what is asked of the Militia.


All Colonial Marines are permitted to sport the coveted Marine Green - the livery permitted in recognition of these pilots’ dedication. In certain circumstances these liveries may be gifted.


Militia pilots who are interested in working towards the rank of Colonial Marine are advised to approach their commanding officer.


The Colonial Marines were commissioned in mid September 3302 and entered service within the Colonia Region on August 1st 3302.

The in-game faction was added to the frontier system, Pallaeni, to act as a bubble-based recruitment hub for pilots planning on emigrating to Colonia and serve in the CMF.


How to join the Colonial Marines...

Marines are recruited directly from the Colonia Militia Forces.

To become a marine you must first earn 6 militia merits within the CMF.

To join the CMF - contact CMDR Souvarine here.

Militia merits lead to rank progression...

1 merit is awarded for attending weekly militia training events. You earn 1 merit per event.
3 merits are earned via a 5-day tour of Operation Guardian Angel.
1 merit is earned if you are a civilian who takes part in a 5-day tour of Operation Guardian Angel (you will also gain Twin Candle membership upon completion of your tour.)
1 merit is earned every time you return to Jaques from the Bubble.
1 merit is earned for every official military ceremony/function you take part in.
3 merits gained for officially sanctioned Expedition / Convoy Escort Missions undertaken.

Upon receiving your 6th Militia merit you automatically become a Colonial Marine.

Colonial Marines are the vanguard of all CMF combat encounters and have access to special op events.

Current Marine Roster :

Commander (Chronological Order)Militia WingDate Rank EarnedSpecial Op Missions
CMDR ErimusChildren of RaxxlaSept 17 3302None
CMDR Alex RingessLOSPSept 17 3302None
CMDR Ar'VessahTwin CandlesSept 17 3302None
CMDR Ragnar StarquesterTwin CandlesSept 18 3302None
CMDR YuksarrLOSPSept 19 3302None
CMDR TharrnTwin CandlesOct 2 3302None
CMDR QwertyuiopasTwin CandlesOct 2 3302None
CMDR SouvarineTwin CandlesOct 9 3302None
CMDR HasmodaiTwin CandlesOct 29 3302None
CMDR ZephrowLOSPNov 20 3302None
CMDR unrealisationTwin CandlesNov 22 3302None
CMDR Aaron StarrGalCopNov 28 3302None

Want to join the Colonial Marines? Join the Militia first! Link...
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