CG predictions...

Overall I get really bad vibes from this CG, like mass sacrifice vibes after reading what happened at the Prophet.
This actually brought me out of CG retirement. I am no fan of the Far God Cult. Frankly, if they want to get eaten by the Thargoids, and they are willing to make it profitable for me, I will be glad to accommodate them.

After all, it is a triple win:
  1. I get paid.
  2. The Far God Cult gets to be one with their God.
  3. The Thargoids get a meal delivered.
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Thing is though, creating a megaship is standard practice for establishing other CGs- all CGs so far have run from them, so now expect the megaship to pop up as an antagonist somewhere (with a local factions help) rather than the megaship going to the Thargoids.

Now what I'd love to see is the Megaship fly about surrounded by swarms of idle Thargoids, or wherever the ms goes you wind up with huge amounts of NHSS.
Some Thargoid weirdness today - Stillman in HIP 22550 has been attacked, but with no incursion. Either a bugged update or could point to a Salvation / Aegis related happening this week 🤷‍♀️

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