Dinosaurs Chance of missing prey via animation script sequence

Your Feature Request / Idea
Idea: Having a scripted chance of predators missing a prey dinosaur to make chances of death to dinos by other dinos less by a small balanced degree.

Example idea:
1. (Script sequence plays for both large carnivore and small herbivore) The small herbivore would immediately dart their head back when the sequence starts while the large carnivore starts running at them.

2. The large carnivore would lunge out and snap at the small herbivore.

3. The small herbivore would jump out of the way at one side. At this point, the script sequence for the herbivore would end and the basic running AI would take over, running away from the large carnivore into the opposite direction it came from.

4. Still performing in its script animation sequence, the large carnivore would stop when it realizes it missed, turns its head around and snap at the escaping small herbivore.

5. The large carnivore roar out while it turns around into the direction the small herbivore went, go back into its idle stance and the animation sequence for it ends.
Yeah this makes sense, there's no way a dinosaur had a 100% success rate when hunting, it would make sense if they had the lion's hunt fail ratio of 9 outta 10 or lower ie 5:6 6:8 or 1:4
Yeah this makes sense, there's no way a dinosaur had a 100% success rate when hunting, it would make sense if they had the lion's hunt fail ratio of 9 outta 10 or lower ie 5:6 6:8 or 1:4
True, but the only reason why I think the unsuccessful rate should be low is because: If (and only if) something like this were to be implemented, a low chance would make the balance of using herbivores to raise combat infamy in carnivores balanced without having them to miss so often. I use defenseless herbivores to raise combat infamy in carnivores should I wish, and if something like my idea were to be so in-game without a lowered balanced degree of missing, it would be frustrating and more time consuming for those who want to raise combat infamy by using defenseless herbivores for carnivores to kill.

Thinking of an idea may be the easy part, but figuring out how to make it work in-game under certain factors for a full released game's current build is the more difficult part.
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