Changing HUD color

No in game options. Game is 5 years old. Really? FDev likes to do things ass backwards?

Anyways what are my options?
No in game options. Game is 5 years old. Really? FDev likes to do things backwards?

Anyways what are my options?

Wait until the next big release. My hunch is it might be in there. I mean if they have the time to do these changes, which are by previous FDev comments quite extensive ones, it's surely on the list as selling colours and IIRC customisable HUDs are clearly cosmetic heaven money makers.

I'm usually wrong though, so...
Wait until the next big release. My hunch is it might be in there. I mean if they have the time to do these changes, which are by previous FDev comments quite extensive ones, it's surely on the list as selling colours and IIRC customisable HUDs are clearly cosmetic heaven money makers.

I'm usually wrong though, so...
Don't want to rain in on your parade, but this way (👆) lies disappointment.
We have no clue whatsoever (disregarding the leaks, which might be true) that those things will be in game.
Inflating your wishes to the undoable is part of that other space sci fi franchise/game.
ED logics:

Transport 720 TONs of plants - Total cargo value - 5000CRs

ONE Aloe plant for your cockpit - 6567237145372514 ARX + your soul.

Cant we just take ONE from our cargo ? lol
hud customization should come along with holo displays and such being tied to their manufacturer. So ships of a given manufacturer have more of a individual personality to that company. Along with the covas changes so that default voices are created for given manufacturers and you can upgrade to mix and match at your own cost .... same with holo displays and colors.

it would be nice to get in my fer de lance and have it look and feel different in the cockpit than say...the conda or any other ship by another manufacturer.
Don't want to rain in on your parade, but this way (👆) lies disappointment.
We have no clue whatsoever (disregarding the leaks, which might be true) that those things will be in game.
Inflating your wishes to the undoable is part of that other space sci fi franchise/game.

We I did say it was just an opinion and I'm usually wrong, and TBH I'm not bothered about it either way...
The fact that we can't mess with our HUD layouts, designs and color schemes after this many years is kinda terrible, no? I mean, this is a pretty simple quality of life thing. It's just an extra menu option and some sliders.

And don't go telling me it would require years of intense coding. No one is buying that particularly smelly cow. :sneaky:
The fact that we can't mess with our HUD layouts, designs and color schemes after this many years is kinda terrible, no? I mean, this is a pretty simple quality of life thing. It's just an extra menu option and some sliders.

And don't go telling me it would require years of intense coding. No one is buying that particularly smelly cow. :sneaky:
Perhaps in the New Era ?
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