News Chapter Four - Exploration Reveal

Basic psychology and neuroscience tells us that after being exposed to a previously unknown or mysterious thing for 5-15 times it becomes known and second nature.

There is no dopamine release either when exposed to the unknown, quite the opposite. A sense of elation comes after having resolved the unknown by pattern matching.

Unknown is handled by right brain. The known by left brain.

Further reading: The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist.

I think you just made my point for me without meaning to. Under the new mechanic, each system and even each planet is a self contained mystery, so you cannot be exposed to the same mystery 5-15 times unless you die 4-14 times and come back and scan the system over and over again.

The dopamine release from pattern matching comes from the fact that systems come in recognizable flavors, and from the fact there is enough variation within "flavors" of systems that each object has a chance of being something unexpected. Ergo, the more exploration experience you have, the better you get at pattern matching and the more opportunities for dopamine release from a sense of mastery.

Hence the new mechanic is likely to be both compelling and addictive.
Without anything tying it back into the bgs or letting it populate something for players, or having it generate something persistent it'll be old and redundant in no time.

Frontier have some super smart folks working on this game, they know this better than I do.

I had real high hopes for this update, where's the rest of it FDev?
As you see it. Obviously a not insignificant number of other people commenting here from veterans and newbies alike don't have quite the same perspective.....
don´t agree - there is nonetheless an insignificant number of always the same players repeatebly insisting that their preferences should be kept - a quite conservative point of view btw.
If RL would have it like that we still would be hunting in the woods and eating raw meat....

FDev is the game developer with their targets of developement (unknown to us) and its THEIR PEROGATIVE to decide which way it goes....
Without anything tying it back into the bgs or letting it populate something for players, or having it generate something persistent it'll be old and redundant in no time.

Frontier have some super smart folks working on this game, they know this better than I do.

I had real high hopes for this update, where's the rest of it FDev?

I agree that the current integration of Exploration needs to be deeply expanded in order to give it true longevity. The current tie to the BGS (same value per honk, regardless of scans or value) could stand to be updated and would go a long way towards giving targeted exploration both structure and meaning. And it would be awesome to have more integration generally into the rest of the mechanics of the game, especially for future colonization expansions (fingers crossed). At the very least, adding Exploration missions that rely on finding specific types of things, like mining but for planet data instead of rocks.
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It's NOT a change.

It's the same thing with a layer of faux complexity.

It's not an exploration update.

And it'll be compromised by the forum anyway. It's the absolute bare minimum to tick the box. It's a minigame to make the little spheres light up.

What the hell happened to the ED team over this last year? The expo was full of promise.

Wow, way to go with hyperbole there Cobra.
don´t agree - there is nonetheless an insignificant number of always the same players repeatebly insisting that their preferences should be kept - a quite conservative point of view btw.
If RL would have it like that we still would be hunting in the woods and eating raw meat....

FDev is the game developer with their tarhets of developement (unknown to us) and its THEIR PEROGATIVE to decide which way it goes....

Last time I checked, hunting in the woods and eating raw meat is still an option, though I happen to prefer sushi myself.
Last time I checked, hunting in the woods and eating raw meat is still an option, though I happen to prefer sushi myself.
Sushi is fine for me too :) but for hunting you need a licence and raw meat (not controlled by vets) will highly likely shorten your life expactation drastically....
Thanks for the above responses guys.

Many of these discussions around new additions come back to this exact same place, and this was the year I hoped and expected FDev to address it.
I am really muffed about this cynicism. I am not surprised though, this is have becoming a staple for lot of commanders to accept changes.

Also I would like to point for people complaining for 2 weeks and then repetitive boring chore - anything becomes repetitive boring chore after 2 weeks non-stop doing something. And even without doing it in beta and not seeing actual gameplay videos it is quite ludicrous claim.

You're right, pretty much anything becomes less fun and exciting the more you do it. This is a problem for the devs (I suspect) because they come up with an idea, try it out a few times, see that it works Ok, then move on. They don't keep doing it the hundreds (or more) times that players will. At some point IMHO, they are going to want to come to the realization that it's not simply a task, or an action that needs to be designed, but a variety of ways for that task or action to be completed that's needed. That's in every aspect of the game. :)

And, no, I'm not bashing the devs, I think they are all very passionate about what they do, not to mention very talented. I think possibly FD just need to look at the design aspect slightly differently.

Emmm no. Problems are mostly coming from people getting used to "hit and run" exploration, not really valid complains per se.

Again really not helpful to make assumptions about why people are giving the feedback they are and then summarily dismissing it as 'not really valid complaints'. Plenty of us do anything other than 'hit and run' exploration, but we still have reservations.
I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but I'm not sure i agree.
That is what you are describing as busy work. Not me, that is you.

I don't think you'd have a lot of support for this idea.
I don't thinks I either. But I was showing the ridiculous of your post. If gameplay is wasting time and busywork. Those are your words fella, not mine.

…which is why five seconds rather than zero means that there's more “keep busy” for the same non-existing value. The 5-second honk is more busy-work than a zero-second honk would be. Thus: what you're effectively saying here is that a zero-second honk would be better (well… assuming you want to remove busywork that is — if you want more of it, then obviously the 5s version is the better option and if I misread which way you lean on that issue then I apologise).
Yes that us busywork which is nothing like the new mechanic.

It's just a UI. The gameplay is almost exactly the same as before, only the surface scanning part will be supposedly be done away with much faster (which is why most people seem to be in favor of having that functionality folded into the discovery scan: less time spent… hmm… what was it that improved if it took less time, again?).
If you are interacting with the UI then it's gameplay. Doesn't matter if it's a UI or not. So what. Some games are just UI based. Doesn't mean it isn't gameplay.

Again, this is all your conclusion and/or opinion. I don't agree.
Nope. That was using your examples of busywork.
As you see it. Obviously a not insignificant number of other people commenting here from veterans and newbies alike don't have quite the same perspective.

I don't see it as a binary issue the way some here seem to.

It is a bit binary though by nature, but that's not my point to FD to dismiss them. Most of complains fall into these categories:

1. I am used to 'placeholder' and this will ruin my playstyle I learned to love. It is valid complain, but again, something gotta give;
2. There's not enough content to explore - again, subjective, again, I agree partially, but exploration gameplay update are about *mechanics*. Also pointing out that in the past people complained that they have eye ball planets to get content;
3. Changes don't go far enough / aren't deep enough - those kinda run opposite of to first point;

And lastly
4. it is all just dress up and nothing really getting improved - for me it reeks me of forum 'endpointism' (yeah, I coined that term, deal with that) just to drive some cynical point home that nothing is improved, nothing can be improved, FD are useless and everything's bad.

Which is obviously nonsense, but when you don't know when to quit sodium atmosphere of forums, that's how you turn up in the end.
Again really not helpful to make assumptions about why people are giving the feedback they are and then summarily dismissing it as 'not really valid complaints'. Plenty of us do anything other than 'hit and run' exploration, but we still have reservations.

As always I am a bit harsh when I am annoyed, but mostly what I read is about old ways of exploring. And I am sorry, but something's have to give.

Anyway, it is up to FD to decide how to use feedback, not me.
Many of these discussions around new additions come back to this exact same place, and this was the year I hoped and expected FDev to address it.

Better reserve judgement until we've played it though eh? We don't have a release date yet, it's been a couple of weeks since the reveal, so FD have their feedback to chew on and it will be a few more weeks until the beta. Simple truth is though, if you're not having to eyeball planets to find things, that opens up meaningful exploration (and that can be for finding pew targets too) and swapping flight time for scanner time is sum zero.

How it will be for some of the issues raised by people who don't want to fit ADS is pure speculation at this point because seems to me FD are doing the focus feedback differently (informally) this time. Bet you 100 bucks they're thinking about what people have said though.
You're right, pretty much anything becomes less fun and exciting the more you do it. This is a problem for the devs (I suspect) because they come up with an idea, try it out a few times, see that it works Ok, then move on. They don't keep doing it the hundreds (or more) times that players will. At some point IMHO, they are going to want to come to the realization that it's not simply a task, or an action that needs to be designed, but a variety of ways for that task or action to be completed that's needed. That's in every aspect of the game. :)

And, no, I'm not bashing the devs, I think they are all very passionate about what they do, not to mention very talented. I think possibly FD just need to look at the design aspect slightly differently.

Problem is, that's a bias. Casual players play ED with long enough pauses not to feel this repetition sinking in. But for hardcore players...well, other games try to placate them so much that it scared casual ones away, because games becomes convoluted, complex mess.

So people complaining about things they know they will grind to death aren't really outliners devs look for. FD tries to be smart with such feedback, in turn, people moan, grind their teeth, stomp their feet, then calm down and play game again.

In nutshell, you can gather such feedback, but it clearly won't set tone of any tweaks FD will do to their designs.
At the very least, adding Exploration missions that rely on finding specific types of things, like mining but for planet data instead of rocks.

Oh God, yes, how did I forget that. Exploration missions! Right now all we have is tourist stuff (yay?) and special missions to do Guardian/Thargoid base/ruin stuff.

But we should be able to not only select Exploration missions with specific goals, but stack them as well for long expeditions. They should probably NOT have a time limit, either (or a very long one if you must). I could see them having a minimum LY distance from the mission provider requirement (in the thousands, probably). Require us to locate certain types of worlds, bring back certain kinds of samples, hell, the Nav Beacon possibilities are there too.

That one addition would allow any potential explorer to set themselves up with a to-do list with some sense of purpose behind it.

Of course, I expect there are problems as well. For example, any sample to be retrieved will have to be flagged as "mission target" just like current missions do... can't go mine an asteroid ring for water samples because right now there's no way for the system to know where that water comes from, correct? You could just buy it next system over and come back to collect your reward.
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