Cheating in Elite Dangerous

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Interesting! Can you post the link?
I would rather not since it leads to downloads of this hack tool. I'm reading the section now (in Dec 2018) where the latest ED patch broke their tool and sent them back to the drawing board. I get the sense there is an arms race between this community and FDEV. FDEV is not the passive pushovers we seem to think they are. They know how to detect it, break it and ban users of it.
When your noobsticks arw functionally not different from cheats they are cheats too.

False equivalence. A cheat is an unfair advantage that is counter to the rules, not simply any advantage at all.

I've put something like 6500 hours into this game. Playing like someone who has put ~6500 hours into this game is going to be functionally superior to most cheats in the hands of an abject novice, but that doesn't make experience a cheat.
False equivalence. A cheat is an unfair advantage that is counter to the rules, not simply any advantage at all.

I've put something like 6500 hours into this game. Playing like someone who has put ~6500 hours into this game is going to be functionally superior to most cheats in the hands of an abject novice, but that doesn't make experience a cheat.
Ye, comes down to interpretation, doesn't it. When the game is unfair from the get go - don't wonder when there's players trying to get around that.

The Replicated Man

False equivalence. A cheat is an unfair advantage that is counter to the rules, not simply any advantage at all.

I've put something like 6500 hours into this game. Playing like someone who has put ~6500 hours into this game is going to be functionally superior to most cheats in the hands of an abject novice, but that doesn't make experience a cheat.
Going by the other guy's erroneous statement, Any player with experience and a ship that is fully built and engineered are just as bad as the actual cheaters.
Ye, comes down to interpretation, doesn't it. When the game is unfair from the get go - don't wonder when there's players trying to get around that.

I don't know. Your statement is very much along the lines of this:

A: I worked for years to earn money. Now I own not one but even two houses, so I rent one out and make good money that way.
B: Those who haven't made that money are at a disadvantage there. It's no surprise they mug people.

I am really not convinced that I can support your point of view here.
I sincerely hope Paige and T.j don't look anything alike. Paige is cute, while T.j is....not.
Blue, orange... All same to me.
Sorry once again, but I'm irked by frequent attacks at community managers who should obiously completely disappear from the forums until they get a blessing from the top floor to say: "We're on it and we can't say more".
Ye, comes down to interpretation, doesn't it. When the game is unfair from the get go - don't wonder when there's players trying to get around that.

Cheaters aren't working around unfairness, they are perpetrating it.

There are a handful of minor biases worked into the game, but by and large, everyone is provided with the same opportunities to learn and master various game related skills as anyone else.

Yes, it takes a copy of Horizons and yes, it takes time. There are no skill based activities that do not take time and no activities that require tools that don't have some form of initial expense.

I'm not a fan of Engineering either, but to consider an deliberate and well established part of a game equivalent to a cheat if utilized, is laughable.
Blue, orange... All same to me.
Sorry once again, but I'm irked by frequent attacks at community managers who should obiously completely disappear from the forums until they get a blessing from the top floor to say: "We're on it and we can't say more".
Go ahead and embrace your irked-ness my friend, but that's not going to change the fact that it's a community managers literal job description to interact with their community. And when the issue at hand is an epidemic of cheating within the framework of a competitive multiplayer game that basically devalues the entire experience, I'm not buying that it's somehow abusive to call out the dev's for either their lack of action or response.
Go ahead and embrace your irked-ness my friend, but that's not going to change the fact that it's a community managers literal job description to interact with their community. And when the issue at hand is an epidemic of cheating within the framework of a competitive multiplayer game that basically devalues the entire experience, I'm not buying that it's somehow abusive to call out the dev's for either their lack of action or response.
As I've pointed out several times, they took action in the past. What makes you think it will be different this time?


are the volunteer moderators trying to derail this thread again?

Back to the naming and shaming cheating please

Of course they are, it's something brought to light by the proactive elements of the PvP community, so certain entrenched individuals are more than happy to discount, dismiss or ignore it.

Of course, if this had been an (throws dart at wall for a name) Obsidian ant expose of the cheat engine, these same people would be taking it seriously.

The tribalism makes me a little sick tbh.
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False equivalence. A cheat is an unfair advantage that is counter to the rules, not simply any advantage at all.

I've put something like 6500 hours into this game. Playing like someone who has put ~6500 hours into this game is going to be functionally superior to most cheats in the hands of an abject novice, but that doesn't make experience a cheat.
Reading through the forum of the users of this hack, its mostly noobs that don't know how to play the game. eg "what does [Freeze Ammo] do??" wow :eek:


Go ahead and embrace your irked-ness my friend, but that's not going to change the fact that it's a community managers literal job description to interact with their community. And when the issue at hand is an epidemic of cheating within the framework of a competitive multiplayer game that basically devalues the entire experience, I'm not buying that it's somehow abusive to call out the dev's for either their lack of action or response.

Now you've done it.

Sensible people in this thread fix bayonets and form square...

I can hear the 78th Braben's Own White Knight Regiment of Horse charging over that Hill to our front..

Go ahead and embrace your irked-ness my friend, but that's not going to change the fact that it's a community managers literal job description to interact with their community. And when the issue at hand is an epidemic of cheating within the framework of a competitive multiplayer game that basically devalues the entire experience, I'm not buying that it's somehow abusive to call out the dev's for either their lack of action or response.
I suggest you to escalate your problem and demand to talk directly with the manager's manager. Please don't forget to threaten them that you'll stop buying cosmetics until your issue is resolved. That usually helps.
Few things I'm not getting from this thread, maybe if I did some searching for the cheat site it would be more apparent, but I'm not going to do that.
The outrage over the HUD color stuff, all I've seen is a screen shot of some sliders on a rather rudimentary looking site. Has anyone actually seen video of this altered HUD in multiple scenarios showing it is in fact as great as we are supposed to believe?

Punishments bring up the same questions. Why in the world are people believing the word of someone promoting their cheats with no actual evidence provided that those are in fact the punishments? I realize it can't be posted here, but are there actual communications from Frontier to cheaters stating the number of warnings and punishment?

So far as Frontier's devotion to tackling this situation, I really don't have the technical understanding to form any strong opinions on that. I have seen games where people thought cheating was being ignored and were irate about it, only to find a wide net had been cast to build solid evidence of all cheats which then got purged en masse.

I really doubt Frontier isn't taking this seriously, but do question their apparent Ostrich strategy so far as letting players know what's going on to combat cheating. They need to roll some heads for all to see.
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