childhood games

what is your first child hood video game which you get addicted to and refuse to go to school just to play that awesome game.
Not exactly in my 'childhood' but the first game I got hooked on was 'Asteroids'....there was an Arcade machine
in a shopping precinct and used to go 5-6 miles out my way to play it while the wife did the shopping! Happy Days!
Again, long past childhood, but one of the first I couldn't put down as Xor.

I spawned a huge number of clones, some of which were brilliant. But I still have a copy of Xor.
Not that long ago, but the first game that made me lose any sense of time was the Ratchet and Clank series on ps2^^
Another too old child here - Subbuteo - table top football game where you had to flick the players to the ball with your index finger. Fantastically skillful game. Elite/Lords of Midnight for video games but I was moving into my twenties by then.
I used to go to school to play computer games, But it would have been games like Star Trek or Hamurabi.
Actually I was proper addicted to that Star Trek game. Did used to like text adventures and some acornsoft games, like Defender. Apart from that I think it was probably Elite that got me the most when it came out. Got a home computer pretty much just to play that.
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