CMDRs, it has been a privilege

Just want to say a galactic-sized thank you to this wonderful community for making the past four years really great. However, it's time for me to hang up my helmet and say farewell.

I've met some very cool people from all over the world who have become my friends, and I leave here with very fond memories of exploring alien worlds, mining the egg :) and creating a huge fleet of beautiful ships. Elite really helped me get through the pandemic with some degree of sanity, and my only regret is that I didn't master FA-off.

Thank you also to the FDev Devs for allowing EDHM to continue all these years. I never broke my promise to only mod things within your rules, and although my many messages went ignored.. :) I hope there was a mutual respect.

Modding the shaders has inspired me to switch careers over to programming. And that's really the main reason I need to leave as I simply don't have the spare time to work, study and mod. On that note, I'm not sure what will happen to EDHM - I'm currently teaching some new modders, and hopefully they will keep you updated on their progress.

For this last day I made an 'Ode to Aisling', which depicts Aisling sitting in her Palace in Cemiess.

Some tro.. er, I mean, members on reddit have 'politely' informed me that it's important to disclose the base of this image was AI generated (the head, dress and couch). The face, make-up, hair, hair colour, right arm and hand, background, lighting and shadows were all done in photoshop, so you could call it an AI / Digital Art hybrid. It took half a day to make, and wasn't just conjured up with a simple prompt.

Well, my friendship drives are charging...

Good hunting CMDRs,


Princess Aisling Duval at her Palace in Cemiess


Wide-screen version (4032x1897)


Hi-res PNG version (direct download from my GitHub)

PS. Nah, you can't have my stuphz :)
Just want to say a galactic-sized thank you to this wonderful community for making the past four years really great. However, it's time for me to hang up my helmet and say farewell.

I've met some very cool people from all over the world who have become my friends, and I leave here with very fond memories of exploring alien worlds, mining the egg :) and creating a huge fleet of beautiful ships. Elite really helped me get through the pandemic with some degree of sanity, and my only regret is that I didn't master FA-off.

Thank you also to the FDev Devs for allowing EDHM to continue all these years. I never broke my promise to only mod things within your rules, and although my many messages went ignored.. :) I hope there was a mutual respect.

Modding the shaders has inspired me to switch careers over to programming. And that's really the main reason I need to leave as I simply don't have the spare time to work, study and mod. On that note, I'm not sure what will happen to EDHM - I'm currently teaching some new modders, and hopefully they will keep you updated on their progress.

For this last day I made an 'Ode to Aisling', which depicts Aisling sitting in her Palace in Cemiess.

Some tro.. er, I mean, members on reddit have 'politely' informed me that it's important to disclose the base of this image was AI generated (the head, dress and couch). The face, make-up, hair, hair colour, right arm and hand, background, lighting and shadows were all done in photoshop, so you could call it an AI / Digital Art hybrid. It took half a day to make, and wasn't just conjured up with a simple prompt.

Well, my friendship drives are charging...

Good hunting CMDRs,


Princess Aisling Duval at her Palace in Cemiess

View attachment 350869

Wide-screen version (4032x1897)

View attachment 350870

Hi-res PNG version (direct download from my GitHub)

PS. Nah, you can't have my stuphz :)

All the very best CMDR!
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into EDHM, it is much appreciated by many.

Good luck in your new venture, hopefully once you have got over the initial learning phase you will find time to dut off your Space Helmet again and came in to see how much of the Bubble we have managed to keep out of Thargoid hands.
You're leaving modding to become a software developer, and I left being a software developer to become a game modder, LOL. There's definitely more money in the path you are choosing, though there can also be more stress. You probably got a good taste of that stress by fully supporting your mods. My stuff has always been more "I'm making this for myself. If you like it, great! If you don't, too bad!" which is way less stressful. That won't fly once someone starts paying you (unless you work for Frontier, LOL JK).

Anywho, to quote my most recent favorite game, "Good luck out there!"

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Just want to say a galactic-sized thank you to this wonderful community for making the past four years really great. However, it's time for me to hang up my helmet and say farewell.

I've met some very cool people from all over the world who have become my friends, and I leave here with very fond memories of exploring alien worlds, mining the egg :) and creating a huge fleet of beautiful ships. Elite really helped me get through the pandemic with some degree of sanity, and my only regret is that I didn't master FA-off.

Thank you also to the FDev Devs for allowing EDHM to continue all these years. I never broke my promise to only mod things within your rules, and although my many messages went ignored.. :) I hope there was a mutual respect.

Modding the shaders has inspired me to switch careers over to programming. And that's really the main reason I need to leave as I simply don't have the spare time to work, study and mod. On that note, I'm not sure what will happen to EDHM - I'm currently teaching some new modders, and hopefully they will keep you updated on their progress.

For this last day I made an 'Ode to Aisling', which depicts Aisling sitting in her Palace in Cemiess.

Some tro.. er, I mean, members on reddit have 'politely' informed me that it's important to disclose the base of this image was AI generated (the head, dress and couch). The face, make-up, hair, hair colour, right arm and hand, background, lighting and shadows were all done in photoshop, so you could call it an AI / Digital Art hybrid. It took half a day to make, and wasn't just conjured up with a simple prompt.

Well, my friendship drives are charging...

Good hunting CMDRs,


Princess Aisling Duval at her Palace in Cemiess

View attachment 350869

Wide-screen version (4032x1897)

View attachment 350870

Hi-res PNG version (direct download from my GitHub)

PS. Nah, you can't have my stuphz :)
Thank you so much for your mod and all the hard work, It literally breathed new life into Elite for me (More than Odyssey or any other Frontier update) and gave me an excuse to fly around for another couple hundred hours playing with it all the time. Its a shame Frontier never incorporated it or something similar into the game, its mandatory as far as I'm concerned. o7 and good luck in your endeavors!
I still feel like a relative newcomer, so I'm sad to see someone go, especially since you're made such a worthwhile addition to the game. The default colour scheme is way too orange, when I'm more into fuchsia/purple with blue and green highlights. Appreciate the mod and hope you check back in at some point.

You and your team are the best Georj! Thank you for all of you hard work, and for making this game a better experience in so many ways.

Good luck out there!

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