Coaster Crazy CoasterCrazy being free? - I have a question

Okay, so I really enjoyed RCT3, though it did need a faster computer all round for everybody (I think). And Michael Brookes (hope I spelled that right) should get a medal or something for all the troubleshooting stuff and 'guff' that he has been doing since 2004 I think. Anyway, I'm sort of excited about the free coaster crazy thing BUT... I'm hoping their not doing what EA have done with Theme Park and we're going to be charged £60-£120 (make that dollars if you wish) for a single rollercoaster or shop or something (with the use of buying tickets so it's not so obvious). If this thing is going to be money hungry like the Farmville (Zanga I think), and EA's Theme Park(REALLY money hungry), then I will skip it... I just hope I'm wrong but usually the real reason for a freebie is to suck people in. Anyway, Hi to Mr. Brookes - I hope you have a nice christmas. You definately deserve it! I hope the company you work for appreciates you.
I think that someone mentioned something about the basic game being free and then having to pay for additional content - just like a lot of other cheap app games today.

Michael Brookes

Game Director
The game is free to play, you can purchase accelerators and maybe special items, but we have no intention of going the silly expensive route as with Theme Park.

As the game is free t try then you can discover for yourself soon.

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