so, my cobra mkIV was in hangar, and used for storing exploration moduls of my DBE ... stuff like low emission powerplant .... enhanced low power shield.... passenger cabins etc.
took a holliday to a system out of the bubble. originally my idea was to do some mining or USS bounthunting to get the necessary rep, before flying some exploration passenger missions...
now, it turns out that system generates passenger missions to the two local tourist beacons .... one is <1 ls from the station, the other 600 ls.
had my cobra mkIV transferred... it brought the first class cabin with it ...
1 C4 first class cabin
2 C4 bussinness class cabins
1 C4 Economy Class Cabin
1 C3 Businness Class Cabin
1 C3 economy class cabin
docking computer.
5 missions per run of 2 to 10 minutes, got allied with all factions in no time. and - if illegal passenger, that's what i use my exploration low emission powerplant for!