I've all but decided to go the Python route myself. I need a med size trader with enough cargo room for 150t+ delivery missions and defensive combat potential, all while getting as much thrusters ( for quick exits) as I can get. Unengineered to start. Would love to see that build.
Stupid question- did any of you Python commanders have trouble with the mail slot at the very beginning ? Anything tricky with it in that regard ?
All ships can be flown in basically blind, by just using the radar. By this I mean; when the station blip on the radar is just a flat bar and you are flying straight and level; you are guaranteed to fit through the slot. You can practise this going out, by just using the up thrusters and rotating to line up with the slot. If when you are level with the slot and the station blip, has an arrow on the top. You need to go up more and the opposite if the blip, has an arrow on the bottom. Trust me it works. I flew an Anaconda in Beta and using the same method. Which meant that as I was heading towards the slot; it looked like I was way to high; but I wasen't, because the cockpit on the Annie, is very high and so, it looks like you will scrape the ceiling, but you don't. That is where the ship needs to be.