Confused about ship swapping

Swaped my Type-7 (~17 mil ship + ~7 mil worth of modules) for a Type-6 (~1 mil ship).
I had ~5 mil credits in cash before transaction.
I thought I would have ~25.6 million credits after transaction (10% value loss included).
But I only got ~11 million. As If my old Type-7 was given out for free.
Is it a bug or am I missing something?
If you upgraded some modules (i.e. rated higher than E) you have to sell them manually before selling the ship to get their value back.
If you upgraded some modules (i.e. rated higher than E) you have to sell them manually before selling the ship to get their value back.
Also, if that ship is on the naughty side of the law, well you get less money for it.

Also crew, they get a cut of all earnings (does selling your ship count as earnings?).
Hard to tell without screenshots. But it should all be recorded in your logfiles.
You can read the raw xml files iirc in the saved games folder, or you can install something like EDDiscovery which will do that for you and present a reasonably well readable log

An Inara account also should do the job - but I have to admit I have no idea how that works.
Great advice from all. Upgrades particularly do not give the full value on resale. If you want to sell a ship (I never have) then remove modded items before doing it.
An Inara account also should do the job - but I have to admit I have no idea how that works.
INARA links to your game account and imports all of your logs (if you allow it to auto update or update it manually) so you can view them.

That's all that EDDiscovery does. It's literally the same thing, but INARA is much easier to read and is organized better.

Keep in mind to remember the difference between ship swapping, keeping your current ship, putting it in shipyard storage and swapping to another ship versus selling current ship and buying a new one. You can keep both ships and don't have to sell one to have a second. You see unless you were terribly short of cash I can't see any reason for selling the Type 7 to buy the really inexpensive type 6 (in fact I think it's one of the best ships in game despite being so cheap, I still fly mine).

I was confused at first when the thread title didn't match the actions in the post, swapping basically should refer to swapping between ships in your fleet, not selling and buying a different ship so you weren't the only one confused here (y) .
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