Console Park (New to game)

Small indoor food court.

It sucks watching YouTube videos, it just makes your zoo feel rubbish hahaha.
Oh no, I hope I didn't do that to you! Try not to compare yourself, and be assured that you have mad skills having just started! We've all been pretty blown away here by your pics of your first zoos! Youtube is great for inspo / picking up new tips but I'm sure we've all had that same feeling - I know I have
Not sure how you've managed to do this, I must admit I'm struggling with the controls on console haha
Yeah, it’s A LOT of clicking and using the right joystick to navigate through everything. I’m actually having to play less because it’s starting to hurt my hand. lol.
Would putting a side on my shelter help.?
You can also use the tall grasses - the elephant grass or the tall reeds - to create foliage screens. Those plants are particularly good for screening and blocking views, not just from an aesthetic point of view but actually mechanically built into the game. I wish there was a foliage tag for 'screening' because I'd like to know what all of the screening plants are, but I know that those two are.

The stress levels will increase when the animals are out in the open but then drop quickly once they get behind a screen, so you just have to ignore the notifications that pop up sometimes about their welfare. You can change the notification settings so that less of them are popping up all the time and you just get the main ones (I often wish you could turn them all off...they're a bit much)

Your builds are looking fantastic!!!
You can also use the tall grasses - the elephant grass or the tall reeds - to create foliage screens. Those plants are particularly good for screening and blocking views, not just from an aesthetic point of view but actually mechanically built into the game. I wish there was a foliage tag for 'screening' because I'd like to know what all of the screening plants are, but I know that those two are.

The stress levels will increase when the animals are out in the open but then drop quickly once they get behind a screen, so you just have to ignore the notifications that pop up sometimes about their welfare. You can change the notification settings so that less of them are popping up all the time and you just get the main ones (I often wish you could turn them all off...they're a bit much)

Your builds are looking fantastic!!!
Thank you. The notifications are a little annoying trying to please everything.
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