Console Update

If you still enjoy playing the game as it is today, it seems odd to stop playing a game that you enjoy. The question should really be 'why would you stop playing it?' It's a choice for the individual to make obviously, it just seems a bit like cutting your nose off to spite your face.

This is a shame for console players obviously, I never thought Odyssey would see the light of day on last gen consoles but I did think there was a reasonable chance of a version making it to the new gen.
They haven't updated Horizons since Odyssey launched and they never will so there's no point in investing any more time or ARX into a game they aren't invested in, for consoles anyway.
Braben's message said console will continue, but only with critical updates going forward.
Nowhere is it mentioned that the servers will be shut down and Elite-console dead.
You lack foresight I'd say. Once Horizons on PC eventually gets updated to Odyssey tech when they're happy with it's state - and this will happen, since they just said they want only one codebase - what do you think will happen with the console versions, that will now lose even more players, and are the only versions left with a different codebase?

It's going to die. Not soon, but it will. And in an official way. Remaining people will cry out about it, but it will do about as much as the remaining players crying out now.
This is quite an unfortunate news. We all have friends playing in consoles. This community has become really at heart for some of us that play daily. I hope there will be a way to transfer the data from consoles to PC, at least for those that wish to continue playing Elite for the love of the game. Perhaps a small suggestion to offer a reward for these console players, if they convert to the PC based game, in recognition for their anxious time waiting for these news. Perhaps a deduction in price, who knows! I really hope they consider it, both FDev and these console players. o7


Senior Community Manager
I hope some sort of deal is worked out where console players can move their accounts to PC. Elite thrives on a large player base, so having a single shared platform could work out well in the end, provided console players are given the opportunity to migrate.
We are investigating potential options but we don't have anything to announce at present.
This is the best decision, cause PS4 and the old Xbox are too low-spec to play Odyssey.

However, they should look into releasing a "current-gen" version on PS5. Perhaps after the next expansion post-Odyssey.
While i find this news deeply disappointing, I can see where you and the Dev-team are coming from. Elite: Dangerous has been my most played game almost every year since I've owned a xbox and bought the game. I wished last-gen console support was dropped instead, with a focus on current gen from there on out.

I am hoping there'll be a way to transfer a CMDR while keeping all stats, ships, items, money and arks from xbox to PC in the near future. Because right now I don't feel like playing E: D on my series X any more. since there won't be any future story/content updates for it.

today I will cash in my last CG on my alt, then I'll shut the game for the forseable future on Xbox. Will have to figure out what i'm gonna do with my main who's out near the core of the galaxy....

a sad day indeed...
If you still enjoy playing the game as it is today, it seems odd to stop playing a game that you enjoy. The question should really be 'why would you stop playing it?' It's a choice for the individual to make obviously, it just seems a bit like cutting your nose off to spite your face.

This is a shame for console players obviously, I never thought Odyssey would see the light of day on last gen consoles but I did think there was a reasonable chance of a version making it to the new gen.
I'll sure keep playing it on console for now since it's my only reasonable chance of a stable 60FPS, and I continue to have a disinterest in the Odyssey gameplay.
Additionally, if this announcement is anything to go by, and migrating it to the new gen consoles for Odyssey was not viable, it doesn't bode well for future optimisations on PC either.

This is the game I bought, for what it offered when I bought it. No reason to stop now.
I remember the days when I would lash out and rant on this forum, sorry for those previous messages. Most, if not all where written on the spot in a state of emotion.
Business at the end of the is understandable.
Like so many people before me have noted so many times. There is a distinct and persistent problem with your communication.
Over 9000+ hours on console and those few lines written by Braben feel like an unworthy end to such a memorable experience. Not that I didn't saw this news coming!

Not only have I learned lessons about this game and studio, rest assured I buy my games like 'investment projects' these days. Too easy how you ask and retain attention, promise and market with no regret, only to go silent for long periods of time and then hardly write a line.
@Bruce G Question, will this change anything regarding Horizons and Odyssey being two "seperate" games? I can play Horizons without any problem but in Odyssey I get between 2 and 13 FPS which makes it very hard to play (which is understandable since Odyssey requirements are much higher then Horizons). If these two versions would merge I wouldn't be able to play Elite Dangerous anymore, which would basicly means I would have paid for something that my pc was able to handle but can't anymore. Would kinda suck if I wasted all that money for a game I wouldn't be able to play anymore because the pc requirements suddenly change. Thanks
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