Control Bindings for Odyssey On Foot Question?.

I am using a Logitech X56 with Horizons and imy present set up works very well. I tried the Alpha on day one and got a few things to work and as many again which didn't so thought I should just wait until more knowledgeable people figured it all out. On returning to Horizons I found that because I had just added the On Foot settings to my usual X56 bindings I now had problems with ghosting commands. My own fault but I had a backup of my controls for Horizon so I uninstalled/deleted Odyssey from my PC reinstalled my bindings file and all was well again.

However with the advent of the proper Odyssey release imminent I thought I should check out control bindings setups for Odyssey On Foot. I did a search through YouTube for info on control bindings for Odyssey. All the ones I found are in regard to keyboards with nothing on HOTAS or other controllers.

Has anyone managed to figure out a set of Odyssey control bindings for the X56 or other HOTAS yet and if so could you point me in the direction thanks?.
I actually switch to mouse and keyboard as soon as I'm on ground. I need mouselook for any 1st or 3rd person thing, so that's a no-brainer for me. Plus, keyboard and mouse is always in reach anyway.
I actually don't get why there's any trouble with HOTAS on foot. Can't you just bind whatever you want ingame and everything else works like before?
I now use Hotas for ships, gamepad for the SRV and mouse/keyboard for on foot. Works best for me as it's what I'm used to from FPS and first person RPGs, just need it all close to hand so switching is instant....
I now use Hotas for ships, gamepad for the SRV and mouse/keyboard for on foot. Works best for me as it's what I'm used to from FPS and first person RPGs, just need it all close to hand so switching is instant....
That is interesting, does it work okay shifting between control systems with three different controllers four if you have a hotas throttle and stick combo?.
Works fine, only slight issue is menus, since you can only bind two controls to a function one of the three systems won't work for menus, it also depends on your layout, I sit at a desk with everything on it in right front of me (which makes the menu issue only a very minor one)
I actually used to have a steering wheel and pedals on there as well, for vehicles in GTA and Arma, but that was a bit of a faff, and took up a lot of room.... but it might have worked for the SRV.
I'm in a similar situation I use a x56 and voice attack with hcs for immersion mainly. I am hoping I can use a game pad for oddessy and keep my current control scheme. Am I screwed? I don't relish going mouse and keyboard for the fps type game play.
Razer Tartarus for me is the only way to go for any ground fps type gameplay. Fallout, Deus Ex, Skyrim, Bioshock, Metro and so on.
I'd never consider using a hotas.
On returning to Horizons I found that because I had just added the On Foot settings to my usual X56 bindings I now had problems with ghosting commands
They shouldn't have had any crossover effects, since Odyssey created a completely new v 4 bindings file and your old/current Horizons v3 file should have been untouched, so you might have something else going on.
Mine reset every time I disembark so now I keep a list and spend 15 minutes every mission putting them back how I want them.
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