Conversion process returned a non zero exit code: 1

Did anyone knows what could I do wrong?

Writer beim Prebuild abgestürzt. [WriterPrebuildException]
"Writer crashed at prebuild : {'Writer': 'FbxProcessor'}"
Die Pre-Build-Checks sind fehlgeschlagen. [ugcPreBuildFailed]
"Prebuild failed. :"
Build-Vorgang fehlgeschlagen. [ugcBuilderFailed]
"Conversion process returned a non zero exit code: 1"
Before you change anything to the fbx, try it again, maybe it was the converter, if that doesn't fix it, then you'll need to give more info about the object, can't say much about the source of the issue.
Probier es zuerst nochmal mit dem hochladen, kann sein dass der TMT gerade etwas hakt,
wenn's das nicht behebt, dann bräuchte man noch mehr details über das Objekt um genaueres sagen zu können.
That don´t work.

I got the same Problem again…

I made a ticket to frontier and hope for a answer of the fail message.

I will reply again….
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