When I first started playing CQC I was getting blown up a lot [well even more than now, I mean... ] - unfortunately that's basically normal...Its not fast and you often have to compete with a lot higher ranking commanders with weapons and outfitting you not having yet.
This leads that new players get shot down in like 5 seconds but they need 30-60 seconds to shot down someone else. So thats not fair and not fun.
But curiously the reasons why this was happening weren't primarily due to other players having access to better outfitting - the ships/outfitting are actually reasonably balanced - other factors seemed to make more of a difference, for instance:
* Not using pip management (weapons/engines/systems)
* Not knowing where to find the powerups (or not using them effectively)
* Controls being a bit naff - (I struggled with Keyboard and Mouse - and found joystick and keypad gave a lot better ship control)