Are you normally this 'careful' with buying stuff you like the look of?
Not sure i understand what you are getting at?
I have had munny saved up, sitting in a safe, just waiting for a gaming PC and VR. I held off for a while. But (poopy) xbox framerate and textures has finally forced my hand. Im sick of it. Doing anything in an srv feels like im playing under a strobe light. Its practically seizure enducing
That, and i recently tested positive for CCP antibodies on several seperate blood screenings. Considering that and the joint pain i experience, it is an almost 100% likelihood that i have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Which, if you know, is nothing like regular arthritis. It is a games worst (fornicating) nightmare. It destroys your joints and disfigures your hands and feet. So i decided to splurge and get my super awesome gaming in now before my joints become too damaged to enjoy my games.