Powerplay Faction: Felicia Winters Cycle 412: A fun one


Cycle summary and priorities:

As expected, not a quiet cycle by any means! But 57 Cmdr kills by Federal pilots alongside undermining were not enough to prevent Aisling taking Jotunheim. Big up for all who joined the fray and congrats to our undermining director Fezix93 for topping the board with 17 kills/shares, beating Minutemen's MrCoffee76 and our PvP director K3z1a by just one kill!

Combined with their recent scrap this places Aisling in a more secure position. One hopes that on such high ground her followers may discover the scruples that, while in possession of only a mere numerical advantage, have to date evaded them:).

We have to give due credit to the effort and the seven-figure merit amount moved, and salute the many Aisling pilots who risked their personal and powerplay assets in open play - some through several rebuys. It's understood that both sides relished the blockade running game!

We await their companions under Yuri Grom to find the same gameness. Grom's pledges were able to take Kwakwakwal against Federal resistance, while Torval was stopped in Bevan's hope.

The successful week that the Empire have been allowed, underlines the need for Federal pilots to bring their strength to bear. Not to place their goal at the attainment of a Federal corvette, but to aim higher, to strengthen the Federation as a whole against the prying tendrils of the Empire's greed! Concerted, organised action is the only way - Federal United Command, as ever, are here to facilitate and catalyse this fight. Not here to make you work harder - but to help the Federation work smarter.

In the news:

The foot-shooting contest between twitchy Federal and Imperial rivals in the Pichch system was resolved after an AX support convoy fell to collateral damage, and our leaders slapped their squabbling dependents down and into line.

In more momentous news, Aegis, to which the Federation is proud to be a fully committed partner, has successfully tested a device to nullify the effect of the Thargoids' maestrom surge. Federal Cmdrs must steel themselves for a new phase in the conflict, where humanity takes an offensive stance. The Thargoids must be made to understand that conflict will not remain in their interests. Perhaps just as humanity has realised that Easy solutions are often not all they appear to be. We hope that instead, doing what is Right will ultimately have the day.


Are you able to vote for Winters? Please vote CONS and vote EARLY.


Please do not Fortify any systems at this time. Priorities are ever changing and we cannot update publicly in a timely manner. Join the Discord if you want to help!


Please do not push expansions this week. Join the Discord for any possibilities that could develop in-week!


No obvious undermining targets this week. Join the Discord if you want more agile advice on targets and how you can help.

Something else:

Disappointed by the above three messages? Make you feel like shooting something? Please go to Tenhar and fight in the war for Tenhar Inc. The Imperial Enforcement Division are trying to attack Felicia Winters' powerplay security by pushing their faction to take control there. Destroy them. Want to know why it matters? Join the Discord!

Interested in AX? Join FAX-COM

Interested in non-violent methods to assuage the alien emergency? Winters has a place for you too

Interested in PvP? PvP is a lifeblood of powerplay. We train interested pilots with a dedicated server, resources and mentors, and weekly in-house tournaments

Interested in exploration? We have a server for our explorers too

Want more nuance on objectives, to wing up, or to keep up to date on the ever-evolving strategy? Join our Discord! Stop by and say hello! Or join to stay quiet and beaver away at your specialism <shrug>. In addition to Powerplay Ops, we have channels for general ED discussion, ship building mastery, and PvP training, with domain experts. We also have an unsurpassed cantina <clink>.

Diplomatic Overview:

Aisling Duval – Trying hard

Archon Delaine – Friendly

Arissa Lavigny-Duval – De-squabbling

Denton Patreus – Rival

Edmund Mahon – Over there

Li Yong-Rui – Better deals

Pranav Antal – Omming

Yuri Grom – Gromming

Zachary Hudson– Ally

Zemina Torval – Back in her soilbox
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