I was fightin in a low CZ the other night. It's been really spoilt by the too frequent ending of the battles. I was averaging about 6 kills before the enemy all ran away each time. It's a right pain when you have to kill 81 for your mission. It took me all night. Who came up with that brilliant idea? Why couldn't they leave it like it was before, but maybe bting in the special ops from time to time and the squadron leaders or whatever they're called?
I've won a lot of wars doing only low CZs, they are good for faction support & I usually aim for 10 kills per battle, 8-9 is common, 6-7 would be okay in a mission runner Python, I can do 5-6 in a trade Cutter. If you want to win the war, unopposed it doesn't need a massacre mission, and opposed it's going to get grindy no matter what you do
If you just want to do massacre missions for the credits choose a high CZ & get loads of assisted kills (follow the green pack around), ignore the cap ships/spec ops (they don't count towards the mission), no need to stay to the end if you need to rearm/repair.