David Braben will answer your questions at 4PM GMT/UTC

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At what date was it known that Single Player wasn't going to happen? Was it before last Friday morning?

Will people who purchased the game either Premium Beta, Standard Beta etc with the understanding offline would be a game play option be offered a refund if they wish it?

I love the game, would gush further but you are a busy fellow, keep this concise.

With regards to "Wingmen" as a feature, both as other players and NPCs, how does it rate with regards to importance comparative to other features. Multiplayer as it stands can be challenging with no formal method of teaming up, and as it is a multiplayer foccued game I'd like to see such features expounded upon.

Hi David,

Would you be able to give us any more information on what this ship might be? Also from a U.S. Commander, thank you for all the hard work and I'm looking forward to seeing yourself and the team at the premiere event.
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David Braben

CEO & Founder
OK. Let me be (first?)

Thanks for making this amazing game - and giving me the chance to relive my youth in full 3D colour!

What was the hardest part of getting this game to where it is now?

When developing a game there are endless decisions to be made. The current "Offline" issues are a case in point. We make these decisions to get the best end result - frequently leaving ideas on the proverbial cutting room floor. Sometimes these decisions are hard ones.
Given that a number of us pledged to at least the level of the premium box set reward, expecting that we'd have a stand-along game that could be installed and played without an internet connection now and in the future, are you prepared to throw us a bone on the basis that our box sets are now pretty useless on those terms? ;)

Which comes next - planetary landings, or getting out of ships and walking around?

Can you give us an indication of what additional content we can expect in the months following release, as the game continues to be developed (independent of expansions)?

Will we see more variety with space station interiors?

Orrery view - will we ever get it? Pretty please? :D


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Hi everyone,

Please remember to not duplicate questions already asked. :)
Hi David.

Hope the less newsletters thing isn't because of last week's issue.

Question then.

How do you envisage making piracy a viable choice in the full game as compared to the other very lucrative roles likes trading?
How much of a technical challenge do you think planetary landings will be, in comparison to the technical challenges of the game so far developed?
Hi David, thanks for taking the time to do this.

Could you give us some indication as to when the Mac Beta will be available?

Ta, Farso Latido

David Braben

CEO & Founder
They will be able to play the single player combat test shortly after the Premiere event (ie during the following week), then the full game at release.

Apologies for replying to myself (!) but I mis-read the question. Yes. Kickstarter backers will be able to play on the 22nd. I was talking about people who have pre-ordered on the store.
Hello David I'm a backer from Mexico City,

Will be there major changes between GAMMA and Final, or Gamma will be an "add features - testing - stability" excercise until Final arrives?

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Hi, are Thargoids gonna be out there to found from very first day of Gamma/Launch, or should I wait some while before I launch my expedition to find them (exploring everything for profit on way there, naturally :) )???
Hello David,

Do you feel obliged to deliver an offline mode given that the idea was clearly used during the Kickstarter to generate some of money needed to get Elite: Dangerous off the ground?

Is the decision on the lack of offline mode final or you might re-evaluate this in the near (let's say up to a year from release) future?
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