RCT 3 PC David - Can you tell us if some gameplay things will actually get patched?

Hi David, First thanks for making this forum availalabe and for trying to help out. We're all very excited that you might be able to address some pproblems with the game - but I fear we might be getting our hopes up for something that may not happen. So can you let us know if you wioll be working on patching some non-hardware issues for the game ex. bigger selection window, some gameplay bugs, etc?

Bigger selection window is NOT a bug, its a feature request.
Too many people seem to post feature requests as though they are bugs.
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I don't think jpinard deserves this type of response. He, like everyone else, has suggestions for improvements to RCT3. Some of these suggestions are gameplay bugs and some are feature requests. I don't think the window resizing options are his only concern. "Slide end to lift hill", anyone? Suntan lotion going once... going twice...

While not a technical "bug", a lot of people find the GUI incredibly wretched for not having resize options to eliminate scrolling through object lists. It definitely bugs me that the GUI windows are not larger when playing RCT3 at higher screen resolutions. I think a lot of people (myself included) will agree with jpinard (and he's not the first to bring it up) that an option to resize the GUI windows would be a good change.

Nice high h o r s e.

jonwil said:
Bigger selection window is NOT a bug, its a feature request.
Too many people seem to post feature requests as though they are bugs.
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kyne_is_guilty said:
I don't think jpinard deserves this type of response. He, like everyone else, has suggestions for improvements to RCT3. Some of these suggestions are gameplay bugs and some are feature requests. I don't think the window resizing options are his only concern. "Slide end to lift hill", anyone? Suntan lotion going once... going twice...

While not a technical "bug", a lot of people find the GUI incredibly wretched for not having resize options to eliminate scrolling through object lists. It definitely bugs me that the GUI windows are not larger when playing RCT3 at higher screen resolutions. I think a lot of people (myself included) will agree with jpinard (and he's not the first to bring it up) that an option to resize the GUI windows would be a good change.

Nice high h o r s e.

Jonwil is right, before talk of anything else the issue that should be fixed first are the game play bugs.
Once that is done open it up to everything else.

"So can you let us know if you wioll be working on patching some non-hardware issues for the game ex. bigger selection window, some gameplay bugs, etc? "

I'm sorry but the bigger selection window should be last on the list..
Making a larger selection window should take all of 2 minutes to fully complete... so it doesn't seem like such a bad thing to ask. I expect most other issues will take significantly longer to address.
jpinard said:
Making a larger selection window should take all of 2 minutes to fully complete... so it doesn't seem like such a bad thing to ask.
In the world of quality code there is no such thing as a 2 minute fix. Not because the code change won't take two minutes (which is a pretty big assumption on your part - but I'll run with it), but because all the tasks surrounding that change will add up to significantly more than 2 minutes.

If I make a single-line code change at work, the resulting impact of that is about 4-6 weeks worth of work depending on the application. This includes unit-testing, regression testing, OAT and acceptance testing, implementation planning and eventualy release.

While Jonwil's response may have seemed overly-brief, and a bit harsh, it was completely correct. As any third party supplier responsible for maintaining software will tell you, an inability to distinguish feature requests from faults will put you out of business.

So while I can sympathise with your request (the tiny windows are annoying) I'd much rather have some of the outstanding bugs fixed.
kyne_is_guilty said:
I don't think jpinard deserves this type of response. He, like everyone else, has suggestions for improvements to RCT3. Some of these suggestions are gameplay bugs and some are feature requests. I don't think the window resizing options are his only concern. "Slide end to lift hill", anyone? Suntan lotion going once... going twice...

While not a technical "bug", a lot of people find the GUI incredibly wretched for not having resize options to eliminate scrolling through object lists. It definitely bugs me that the GUI windows are not larger when playing RCT3 at higher screen resolutions. I think a lot of people (myself included) will agree with jpinard (and he's not the first to bring it up) that an option to resize the GUI windows would be a good change.

Nice high h o r s e.

Woah, buddy, you need to get off your "high h o r s e" (why is that censored?) and learn the definition of bug. A bug is "A defect in the code or routine of a program." A bug is not "A requested change to a feature already in-game."

The first priority right now needs to be the bugs that affect the gameplay, not the feature requests.
I Remember You...

The definition of a bug is 50% of RCT3 and its expansions.
I'm not here to debate semantics or bicker about other
peoples' opinions and suggestions for RCT3 improvements.

The post written by jonwil was short and vaguely hostile.
It reminded me of how the Atari forums got after a while.
I have been watching these forums and everyone has been
fairly cool to each other.

WalkingSnake said:
learn the definition of bug.
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I've honestly only seen 1 or 2 bugs...are there really this many? Back in the day when RCT3 was first released (Those were the good days..now the Atari Community forums are loaded with rude people and noobs.) I remember hearing everyone complain about bugs, but I've seriously only seen 1 or 2 lol.
I've honestly only seen 1 or 2 bugs...are there really this many? Back in the day when RCT3 was first released (Those were the good days..now the Atari Community forums are loaded with rude people and noobs.) I remember hearing everyone complain about bugs, but I've seriously only seen 1 or 2 lol.

They aren't so much all programming bugs as they are more annoyances. Unfortunately until the publisher engages the community, this game with continue to wither.
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